Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Oct 1939, p. 44

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1B. Qrphanage The. three social service chairmren of the three institutions served by the Friends of Lake Bluff orphanage pÏesentèd reports Mondayý of . last week at the board meeting held at the* home of. the Président, Mrs. Vilas Johnson, 930 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette. Mrs, -George Blackburn,. social service:,chairman for the Lake Bluff orplianage, said sixty dollars wortb, of dishes were. purchased during the sumnmer,, and a camnera club. was sponsored for whlch, films and de- veloping'solutions were purchased in, order to encourage picture taking among the children. A tea cher. do- nated ber services,,during the sum- mer for a clay modeling class, the Friends. of Lake Bluff buying the Clay- When required they will also) supply a firing oven. 1 The board voted to pay a shoe b il for $180, and to purchase yarn so ' that the women at the MI People's Methodiet home on Foster avenue in Chicago may knit sweaters for the children at Lake Bluff. Over 100 dresses have already been made at the home, for which materials costing $25 were supplied by the Friends of Lake Bluff. During the summer, weekly treats were also continued at the Lake Bluff home. Mrs. Joseph Arnold, soci al service chairman. for the .Lvdia Home for1 Sale' ine nigtu.or.JuLoîer i. The loca- tion of the sale !È 604 Davis street, Evanston. Mrs. Victor Jones of Evanston, who is rummage chairman o! the, league, has appointed the following to serve with her; Mrs. Arnold Carl- son, Mrs. M. L. Van der Vort, and Mrs. Robert.D. Smith of EvýansAton; Mrs. William LIi ofKenilworth; and Miss, Marjorie:Wil.liams and Mrs. A. J. Feig.el.of Chicago. Mrs. Jones1 called a meeting of this committee..Tuesday morigio this ýweek to make final arrange- mients. Wilmette Gar den Club To Meef This Friday Mrs. Harvey A. Bush wihl be hostess for the flrst meeting of the Wilmette Garden club at ber. home, 721 Green~wooc1ý avenue, Friday af- ternoon of this *week at 2 o'clock. "The World Is My Garden," by David Fairchild, will be reviewed by Mrs. James S. Hlarvey o! the School of Speech. at Northwestern university. A short talk on horticul- ture by Mrs. John F. Weedon willN pÉeced¶e the review.- Reid Mr Co,'l Weeer of Wl is chair man o 'f the Kappa, Theta benelft bridge teai held at the Kenilworth cii Friday afternoon. October. 2 o'ciock. Iorth Shiore Writer The Wornan's guild of the Wil- mette Parish Methodist church is. arranging for the big rummage sale. whi.ch vil be held on October 19., Mrs.ý Norton A.:,,Booz is general chairm-an of the event and Mrs. Roi, lin Smith is co-chairman. Articles too varied and numerous to mention will be found on th e ,well- stocked shelves and, tables at bar- gain prices so0 come earlyv before the best things are gone. Each divi- sion will have charge of a speciai department and the Junior guild will ijý, have charge -o!the French shop un- der, the direction' of Mrs. Hà rold Lundberg, The First division will handie al kinds of shoes, rubbers, roller and ice-skates for. ail members of theý family. The Second group will have a large supply of boys' and men' s d Photo clothing including suits, overcoats, Imette sweaters, shirts, ties.-asnd winter un- Alph a derwear. The Third division will carry women' s dresses, hats, coats,, to be sweater s and lingerie while the Fifth uboi group will handle complete .outfits 13. tz for children including winter, clothïing and play togs. The, Fourth division will have charge of the kitchen ware. dishes, and miscellaneous articles and the last group.will sell ftituire> and household necessities. Rummage chairmen incluchu -Mes- dlames, E. R. Benson. A. G. Acker- Mrs.. Frank Kreissl, chairman for the Central Baptist home at May- wood, visited the home's camp at Lake Delavan, near ber summer home, each week during the sum- mer to take marshmallows and .9wienies" to the children. Somne- times these treats were candy bars, A glider was donated to the camp by Mrs. Kreissl. Ail three chairmen-presented lists of winter needs, principally warm I ooKs ometo Wwiimette to ciscuss several recent books in her talk en- titled 'Literary Imagination.- She will include "Lord Melbourne," "Al the Tomorrows," "Family Album." "Watch for the Dawn," and '-B1ack Narc issus." Mrs. Horan comes tomorrow morning (Friday, October 6,) in the place of Miss Flope Summers, to. give the next program in the series sponsored by the Woman's guild of son, J. C. Martin and L. E. Pen- berthy. The treasurer will be Mrs. J. W. Humphries, and the' check room wiIl be in charge of Mrs. Carl Zipprich. .Mrs. William Harridge will serve at the information- desk; Mrs. B. F. Lewis will take care o! the supplies, and Mrs. W. N. Waidner will provide lunches for the. work- ers. Attractive posters are, being prepared by Mrs, F. N. Willirig andc NXileés, Mrs. ni Arthur Austin. alIect for Harold and Mrs. w 19

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