In Aduit Theater The Yale Puppeteers, in topical musical revue whicb is heralded as, "Bomethlng different in, adult the-, ater," wil be. presentedt in a per- formance by the NorthShore Alum- nae of Gamma Phi Beta Wednesday evening, October 11, at 8,30 o'clock, at, the Evanston on)an's club,' foe the beniefit of the enidowment aÂAd' camp fünds. Mrs. David T. 'Sanders of. High- land Park,,general chairman, is as- sigtedl for the North Shore suburbs, by Mrs.. Harold Brown, Jvrs. Lewisý Ermeling, Mrs. Stuart Fox, Mrs. Hayes McKinney,-M -r s. .'Charles Swann, Mrs. H. R. Mathias, and .Mrs. Tom Leemning. Tickets, nominal in price, mnay. be* secured from any of the committee, as well as from the Book Nook i Evanston and Tommy Airtb's. also in Even. Such world-famed personalities as Mrs, Eleanor Roosevelt, J o h n L. Lewis, Lunt andFontanne, the Baby Panda, Raymond Massey, "F. D. R.," and countless others known tbrougb news events and freqitent mention in the press, perform in miniature, ani- mated by the skilled fingers of the nationally known Yale Puppeteers. The show is acclaimed by critics as being "nô" ordinary 'Puppet show, Maronettes nave long been consici- erdexcellent children>s entertain- Ment, and grownups bave thotught it nice to go juvenile once in awbile themselves. Now come the Yale' Puppeteers " the critics announce, "to tear away the veil of cbildisb play that bas been hiding puppetry, to reveal a smart sopisticated re- vue with clever lyrlvs and melodic music, up-to-date lines and headlmne PersonalitieI earvted in wnail f, j DuBois-The Drake Ivory velvet macde oni simple classic lmnes fashioiied the wecl- d ing gown of Mrs. Sidney Klein, the former Miss Roseheleni Sue- J, C. Kleinof Chicago. After a Honoblulut horzeyrnoon, the young couple tvill live at the Belden Stratford apartments, Wilmette AuxiIiary to Open Season Tonight 'Mrs. George H. Simpson of Win- netka, chairman of the ways and means ýcommittee of the Evanston Friends of the Chicago Junior scitool. announces that the book which will be reviewed by Miss Eleanor Ellis Perkins on October . 25,1 at. the Con-' gregational House,, 1417 Hinmhan ave- nue, Evaniston, will be "St Helena" .by Octave Aubry, a book wbich is interestifig for th light it throws upori curren t events, 'as, well as c ir- rent books. .This book 'gives witb dramnatie force the inevitable. consequences of dictatorship. The last days of Na- poleon and the adjsen of the world to his. disappearance. have permanent significance. 1At. the close of eachlecture there wilI be >a discussion of the books to be reviewed at the following ,lecture. Series and single tickets may be procured by calling Mrs. Charles H. Warner, Jr., of Evanston. The pro- èeeds of these reviews are for the sc14oàrýhip of nTeChicago Jtior' .school in Elgin. N. S. Kappas l'o Be Guests at Banquet At a banquet on Friday evening. October 13, at 7 o'clock, a t t h e Knickerbocker hotel in Chicago, the. the sorority at Mvonmouth* college, .Monmoutb, Ill., in 1870. Mrs. Wayne McNab is to be toast- mîstress. She will introduce as guest artist, Mrs. Mebren Johannsen Hatt- staedt, soprano, wbose acécomnpanist. will be Mrs. Una Howell Cook, Chi- cago, composer and, pianist. AI umnae Club Tea Miss Mildred McAfee. preside nt of Wellesley college, will give an ad- dress at the U~niversity of 'Chicago chapel on Sunday, Oct.ober'15. Her talk. at the University is a reciproc- ity gesture, for, Dr. Charles Gilkey spoke atý the Wellesley commence- ment in June when b i s daughter, Mary Jane..was graduated.ý .Miss McAfee will be, -uest of honojr atý a tea the Chicago Wellesley club board will give in the afternoon at the homhe of Mrs. T., Kepnetb Boyd., 250 White Oak lane, Winnetka., The hostesses are Mrs. Earl White of: Ev- anston,, president of the club; Mrs. Horton Conrad of Winnetkka, vice- president; Mrs. Benjamin Porter, of Evanston,. second-v i c. e pr esident: -Mrs. Herbert Pascben of Winnietka-. recording secretary: Mrs. Lambert1 Davis, treasurer; and members of the board, Mrs. Bennett Harvev-. Mrs. C~harles. Peuce, ~Mrs.,Sarnue. Walter White, Mrs. George Henry Bockwinkel, Jr., Mrs. Henry B3. Glathe. Miss Harriet Ann Pribble. and Mrs. Cecil Merrifleld. .They expect about five-bundreci guests, who will be memnbers of -iIF- club, their busbands, and parentsz of Wellesley students. the Christian citizensnip programi of the Woman's Missionary society wbich will be held at the Wilmette Metbodist church on Thursday. October 12, at 1 o'clock.- The speaker of the afternoon w i1 I be Mrs. Fred L. BrodfuteofOa Pýark, who is citizenship chaîrman of the Rock River conference. WeIl known for ber splendid work in this field, Mrs. Brodfute comes bigbly recommended by Mrs.~ Daniel Steck- er who is a national vice-president tion this -Ifs woric shows rnor vnte tables in pl1a Y. Hernies, 1928 Schill mette, is chairmani ents WiiI be, given for tbe Mrs. Josephine er avenue, Wil- of ýthe beniefit. le work sh , in . r