PartyOctob r 25the Wornen's Associated Guilds o St. Augustine's piscopal churcli The nnul phlanhroy cad- ar-sponsor, will be held Thursday, 'Octo- Theannal hilntbopycar pa-,ber 12, in the Panish Hodse, from ty, given each-faîl by.the philan- 8ocoki h ong n cluboy dparmeen of the:omans Mrsi. Harry B.. Johnston of,1320 clu o!Wilett, ne f te mstGreenwood avenue is chairman lii important events of the cluib.,calen-, dan, will take place Wednesday,, Oc-. charge of colecting rÉummage. She toben 25,'ut i1:30 o'clock, at the club-urethtonrbigter w house. It will 1e a. dessert bridge contributions to the Parish Eouàe, if with prizes for each table -and many Posil.I aihoeshv n other prizes, among thém a beauti- 91s !'aykidcltinfrni- fu omforter made by the. philan- tare, bic-a-brac, toys, - anything that can be *of use to someone else- throy wrkes. ith he rocedsarticles which they cannot send to of the. panty, the depanrtmret car-thPash oueheslshy ries on its extensivec h a r i t a ble work. Mrs. Thomas S. S. liard-* can notify Mrs. Johnston, and she' wickis hairan ! Ui deartmnt.will ,arrange for their collection. Mrs. Arthur G. Stanten is chair- Wrsfrtermaesl r man f te prty wit Mn. Fan-to be de] ivered the day before the cis J. Crowell as vice-chairmaki and sali osbe ticket chairman. Sub-chairnen of the committee are Mrs. George S. Rnd$ekon, in c4harge of alei esý e rvations; Mrs. Lincoln C. Torrey, Attend -Tea for Bride o! refreshments; IMrs. E dw ar d Metnof abe rizs;Mrs F S Charles H. Jackson, 1017 Elm- Meisrspfcale pizes; Mrs. W. SG wood avenue, bis daughter, M i s s Yants secil pizes Mr W G.Alice Mac' Jackson, and Mrs. Mary Mitchell, publicity. Large, mnotored to Long Beach, Ind., On the committee are* Mrs. Hard- last Thursday to attend a tea given. wick, Mrs. George W. Putnam, Mrs. _in honor o! Emmett Jackson, Jr., Harrison A. Stonms, Mrs. F. L. and' his bride, who were married McGnath, Mrs. Edgar S. R i e d e 1, two, wceks ago. .Emmett Jackson, 'Mrs. Raymond K. Lake, Mrs. G. Jr., and Miss Alice Mae Jackson M. Christophel, Mrs.' Walter D. Wil- 'are cousins. That sarne da-v there~ A member of the committee i charge of the sale of tickets for the series of terê booke reviewa .to be given as a beneftt for the Woman's Club of Wlmette, is the former president of the club, Mrs. Frank R. Adams 'of Wil- mette. The course opens Friday morning, 'October 13, at 10 To Attend Sha~wnee Bridge, Style Show Plans have been completed to en- tertain close to one thousand men,- bers and guests of the> Shawnee Country- club tomorrow, (Friday) afternoon, at the, annual dessert bridge and fashion showî which is being stag ed under.the, direc tion of .Mrs., Robert F. Doep~el, chairman, ýand. a co mmittee of, Shawnee women. ,ne entire second floor of the Shawnee clubhouse is being trans- formed into a salon, for the Party. with one hundred -foot.promenade ex- tending the length of the baliroom. andpedestals arranged in the lounge and dining rooms. The show will include a fashion forecast of! furs, shoes, hats ,and formnaI and informai daytimeé and _evening wear from seven smart North Shore shoDs. The style conimittee for the show in- cludes Mrs. Richard 1Howe11,, Mrs. Roland F'ltman, Mrs.. Orrin Clifton, and Mrs. Catherine Rogers. The wardrobes will be modeled by, a group of thirty-five daughters and wives of Shawnee mnembers who have volunteered to aid in nxaking the event a success. The proceeds of the aff air will be dcvoted to en- larging the femninine facilities at Shawniee i preparation for the corn- ing season of activities. king, Mrs. J. A. Maccean, Mrs. Wil- liam A. Figueira, Mrs. Carl W. Krohl, Mrs. Harold 'Brown, Mrs. W. Whitaker Baer, Mrs. A. M. Brencton, Mrs. George B. Kncpper, Mrs. R. E. Bell, Mrs. R. J. Bennett, Mrs. John E. Hlli, Mrs. William E. Burgoyne,ý Mrs. Frank Hayson. Sewing during the year is donc for Arden Shore, the Research and Ed- Organmizer For -Chikiren's Hospital The philantl'ropy department of the Woman's Club of Wilmette holds its second aUl-day sewing 'meeting Friday, October 6. All women of- the village, whether club. members or not, arc invited to sew that, day; for the crippled -childnen's ward of the Research hospital of the State Public Welfare department. Luncheon Hosi'ess lo Republican Club Group At a delightful luncheon at her country' home, *Rolling Acres, near Mundelein, Mrs.' Ira C. Keller of Winnetka called together Wedncsday of last week her new publicity com'- mittce for tic Womnan's Republican Club o f New Trier. As chairman of the group, Mrs. Keller has asked the following to work with her in- bring1ng before ian. ef cue : effel 1