Skokie Valley D. A. R..' Ope.ns.Season ai Luncie.on Monday, October 9, the Skokie U. of W. AIumna5e Valley chapter, Daughters of the Ls ' American Revolution, will meet for Li t heeurograms I uncheon at 12:45, at the, Georgian Thie first lunch--on meetingc hrotel- wvçinson.Mrs. C. A.Keith yy.s.iv, nf Wiscnsin Alu Visit Lyon & Healy's 1940 Radio Exposition in Alnerici's iost beautifully.appoiflted radio salon. Select, with IeisurclY compari- son, the instrument which best fits y0T ur pose or pum rs.icoS rangle. from 8 9.95 to $1m~. Al the lateat modela built -by> Thursday, Sept. oi