Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1939, p. 8

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IThe Cburch school at its ses- smon at 9:45 a.m. wlll begiri the celebration in combina tion.with tbe 'R a1 y Day .program. At1 the fforning service at il o'clock, Holy Communion wil1 D. I. Kabele be adrinistered and ýnew members will be received- into tbe cburcb..At 4 p.m. a special service, will be beld with Dr.. Armirn .0. Weng,- president of the Illinois Synod, as speaker. Greetings, wlll be brougbt from Dr. Zenan -M., Corbe of New York City, executive secretary of the Board of. American Missions of the> United Lutheran Churcb in America, Dr. Charles Leslie Venable, president of ýtbe Chicago Lutheran Ministerial association, and Dr. Hu- bert Carleton of the Minister's asso- ciation, of Wilmette. ITuve 1emnporary 'Quarters H.V. Kaltenborn, famiflar to millions of radio listeners for his an«alysiq-of world war develop- ments, will give a lecture, e'Kal- tenborni Edits the News," before mnem.beTs. and guests of' the -Shawnee Country club Monda y, It is just a year ago since the con- Jaebne of Evanston, president; a gregation was compelled to moveJuirLte ag MsShly from its building due to the inability Jno uhrlauMs hre to reach a satisfactory settîemert it x, president. William A. Lindberg with the mortgage holders. An off er of Wirinetka is general superinten- weas made to tbe bondholders' comn- dent of the Chur4cb school. The offi- mittee offering them one hundred cers of the Ohurch council are: cents on the dollar but asking for an Charles Arquette of Niles Center, extension of time and a lower rate of President; A. G. List of Highland interest. This was refused and tbey Park, secretary, and William R. weeforpp<d tn pvii'iite. The cnere- Sàchsei Wlmette, treasurer. day. No 1055 of membership occurred Cooler continued faith and work on the part Weo4hr of the congregation tbey were able to increase their membersbip 20 per AleodI cent while in tbe leased quarters. The Cburcb property was up for Now'at the Turne £0 (1Ver -h sale, remained vacant4£or tbe year, and ini August the property was re-. WILbMTT CObL purchased by tbe congregation on aà -~ cash basis tbrough the assistance of A~d~4 A L COOW. the Board of Arnerican Missions of ciay evening. Reference Books for Students :1 Ont Library Lists By Ami L. Whitmack choral singing, bas been active for the past several years an d has -achieved considerable renown for it- self along the North Shore as well as in Chicago. The group rehearses, under the directIon of Miss Madi Bacon,' Wbo- two years' ago was su- perVisor of mus.ic in the Glencoe scbools and worked under Mrs. P. B. Kohlsaa 't at Roycemioreý school in lEvanstonf. Last year, Miss Bacon. gave. up ber work. at Glencoe to become bead of -tbe music depart- ment' at Roycemore, She also, di- rects the Elizabethian Madrigal sirig- ers in Chicago. The executive committee of tbe societY bas -made plans. tbis, year for a musical progiram the. equal of last year's, during whicb Grahm'.s Re- quiem was studied 'and sung. This, year two formal lonice rts are sched- uled instead1 of one. The first will be given during the wi nter season and tbe other initbe early spring; as in the pa st, tbe season will close witli 'a garden sing at the bomne of Mrs. Herbert Sieck in Winnetka. Social Evenlngs The Weekly meetings of tbe society are brigbtened occasionally by social evenings at which refresbments are served after the rehearsal and varied ligbt entertainment offered. The season last year was bigb-light- ed .socially by several parties, one of wbich was a sleigh ride with caroling at Christmas,. time. It is tilulabi is viaUVSLLMisUyear, ar- rangements will be made to secure a competent leader to meet with the group at some time otber tban the regular rebearsal night. Because of the more ambitious program, the directors of the society would like to enlarge the group by about 20 additional niembers. Tenor voices in particular are needed, but to anyone interested an invita tion is rk, as left ere atj MOiithlY Labor Review. Isw IlI Saturday andl Sun&r-yspecialRICK FULL QUART35 Double, Rich Malfeds and Shakos WIffu Fiesi fruit Flovors CONFECTIONERY Jusa Test .1 banl Pb... Wilm.ft. 5353 Cousi eut

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