Jrd Year-Uuidet trained latnactors "md lwtl*p- sicdans. th.e mibTyonlccto ,ent. o ans watchinl eacl i alprcIce, diagmois and uereàmmne, wvorklng from ine to iwelve houas daye: six daye a week fW thlrey-slx weeke. Ena Yer--Couenuadon of thlrd year. conanant training in raional tretnent based on car eu examnnationandM diaf. nodi. The student la requlred e. la responsible-for 21Wny or mo prenatal case, mand attend dellvery unde supervlslorr Afwe compietion of theue four yeara. go.. through sérrngent enaminot Ions beoe beinS aUou'ed t., graduate. Médical Sclaeols Médical, Asocations and thae las o jour State afl re oenhtantly uwrlng 809h«ge lwtpere jpur Doctor to bemort combetent Dean F. McSLoy and Mrsd MeSloy of Evcznston this tveek became asso- "dtarub ciated woith* the Wigmette Parsh Methodîst church. Mr. McSloy is the %>gg>5g .%LmiNftsm um new Miùmster of Music and trnll direct the choirs. Both w:Ui be memberg of the ch.urch quart et. F'or nine years Mr. McSloy has! fV R H R RC IK hOeen a teacer of speech and di4c- Alinr4laiDrive 41T4 tor of music at the Garrett Biblical' 18CO IAe iufe2 Institute in Evanston, which position Will Start Oct. 19 fi(Castrai A46. he will continue to hold. During his Le@@Ae i residence on the North Shore he (Continued from. page 5) has made his influence feit as a pends for a rapid and successful musician, being a member of several canvass. musical organizations and taking an The score board ideawiH again b active part in choral and church employed to keep the public inform- N.3OA music. Prior to coming to Evanston ed daily of the progress of the drive, he held important teaching and di- and the standing of the various dis- recting positions, in college and trict captaîns. This board is to be church. centers in the northwest. erected in a conspicuous spot where Associated with hlm i his work meeting for ail captains and wor1c- is Mrs. MeSloy, who is an accom- alI may keep tab on the returns.. plished musician in heîr ow1 right, The carnpaigri will open with a and who wiIll serve with him in the ers on the evening of October 19, re-organized quartet at the Method- which wil be addressed by a speak- ist church. Thèy will make their er tlxoroughly versed in community first public appearance in the church next Sunday morning, September 24, fund gathering. The programn will be h oclok. henthe wil 'announced later. The Chest offce .at singwill be open every evening to re- togeherin dut arangmen ofceive required daily reports from the sacred music.icatns Mr. and Mrs. MeSloy are young Thtoabugtifbelsthn peope wth to sall hilren that of last yeàr, and it is stated N.S. Girl Flyer tcapig b hasbrane h local charitable organizations will 1J J a a nm f%.,i~. Dn,4 1 .~,. be tàken care of first.. This,, it is k01 1