Norman7I. Scott Now Offers the Services of an To Emphasize Time-Saving in Both Sickness and Death Now when an emergency arses at any point between the Atlantic seaboard and the Rocky Mountains we stand ready to serve you. Ail arrangements can be handled with- out the family being present, but should the family or friends so desire, there are accommodations in the plane for two additional passengers besides the Licensed Trans- port Pilot and the Registered Nurse. A record of Scott's North Shore leadership includes the First timousine Hearse . .. the First Limousine Ambulance . . . the First Air-Cooled Chapel . . . the First Organ- Equipped Chapel ... the First Hammond Electric Organ . . . the First Quartette Feature. All of which have estab- lished the leadership of Wm. H. Scott and are faithfully maintainedbyhis son. . y en Telephone Wilmete 654