or 1115 uauî, was a aispae.i&r au, the Linden avenue terminal., Funeral services were held -at the Lane chapel in Chicago Thursday noon, with interment at Allegan, Miclh. Hlis widow survives... WALTEW.G. LUNSCOMBIE Funeral services were held on F!- daymorning of last week in Chi- cago for Walter G.1 Lunscombe, 77 years old, who passedý away o he previQus Wednesday aàt hiv- home, 132Q -Cetral avenue, Wimette. Mr. Lunscombe, who -had beenas-. gociated with the Illinois Bell Tele-m phonecompany for 48 years prior to his retirement in 1930, joined the firm as a boy 'operator. At the tim e of his retirement he was assistant treasurer. A daughter, Mrs. Carolyn Church, survives.__ _ Fanied Artists to Be Recitalists At Highland Park Five world-famous artists will be presented. during the comlng winter by the North Shore Seies, to be held in~ the auditorium of the High- land Park High school. On the com- mittee for the series, which is the first of its kind to be attenwted in Highland Park for many years, are Mrs. Ross J. Beatty, chairman, Mrs. Carroll Binder, Mrs. C. A. Kirnball, Mrs. Clarence Schaaf, and Mr. Eu- gene Singer. »Heading the list of performers for thé. season is Fritz Kreisler, who will F give a-concert on October 7. On November 22 the series wil *present Hertha Clatz, young con- F tralto star of the Chicago City Opera. Donald~ Dickson, appears at High- land Park on Decernber 12. An outstanding event on the series wifl h the recital given by Argen- One of the moat unusual windotv displays Mi Evanston thls tveek is foutu! at Wieboldt's'depart ment store. Tiiny manikins, the talleat of which ta 30 iches, high and !the smnaitest 19. incites, are dressed i boys' .clothing carried 6y lte store. The siaanesa of the maitllcln enabled te- tindow trimmer to plac~e 24 of titem i the window, Each figure demon- strates different color combintios of' sport andi suit wear. MoteTS, whe o .u~ for Junior's sch-oot haberdaaherp maiU select clothing that is smart, yet e conomical, besides saming Junior theèiolent embarrcissment of wearing unmatched combiations titat "mroher se- lected as bar gains," say Wîeboldt officials. Thte trousers shown i the display are fully, tmade, having zipper front andi pockets, and inh most cases coats are lined. The Boys' Wearassociation of New York, jormed by manufacturers of vat'lous types of boys' clotiting, is responsible for titis novel way of style presentation. Each companu vmanufactutres a different article, but Joins witit other llrms and uises lte manilcin to aid shops andi consumer select 'fali jashtons. Berinie Photo Birth Control Ceyiter Opens Menzber DriVe. luz North Shore Area The Evanston Birth Control Cen- ter for Family Planning, affiliated with the Illinois Birth Control league, and with headquarters at 802 Main street, Evanston, annoi.mees a mem- bership campaign to begin Monday, September 25. The purpose of the drive is to increase the auxiliary membership of the Center, it is ex- plained. NEXT WEEK AT FIELD MIUSEUM Monday, September 25 -3 P.M. -Guide-lecture tour, "Native Ameriý can. Plants." Tuesday, September 26 - 3 P.M. - Guide-lecture tour, a general syn- o(psis of anthropological, botanical, geological. afld zoological exhibits. Wednesday, September 27-3 P.M.- - Guide-lecture tour, 'Indians of South and Central America." Thursday, Séptember 28 - 3 P.M. *-Guide-lecture tour, a general syýn- opsis of anthropological, botanical, geological. and zoological exhibits. Friday, September 29 - 3 P.M. - Guide-lecture tour, "Birds - lPaet and Fresent." history suDjects, aramatizatons pi incidents ln -American, hlstory, .an& animated cartoons. Most of- the films Winl have talklng and other sound effeets.. One program, that' to be given, on October , 28, -FSm WithDon Heatou in the Wild WestÇ*' will present a lecture by Mr., Heaton in person as well as movig pictures. Offer TWa Shb.lg 'There will be two showings of the pictures on each program,' one-be- ginning at 10 A.M. and one at IL. Children from anl parts of Chicago and'suburbs are ited, and no. tickets are required for admission. The Museum Iîs prepared to recieve large groups from schools and other ôrganizations, as well as individual chil(fren conming alone or accom- panied by parents or adulti. Teach- èÉg aî-ê trgM to bi>rtibk l asses. Asnuutce .Soheelule The following schedule shows the ities of the films to b. presented on each day: *October 7-JoUly Little Elves (cartoon) The 17-Year Locust Humming Birds at Home Plants and Animais Pre- parefor Wlnter October 14-Gathering of the Clan Boxin¶3wlth Kangaroos a. At the Court of lsabella b. Landlng on Anier*tcan Shiores October 21-Animal Arisocracy The "Father of Waters- Romantic Mexico October 28-Fun wlth Don Heaton i the WiId West (Mr. Heator i n person) Noveniber 4-Land of the Giants Sea Qolng Thrills on, the "Wander Bird" Oriental Methods of Trav- eling Glimlîses of Old China. X'overnber 11- !e Day Program. is DlieLand tuals lgrms Land at Ply- Mn. and Mrs. Ed three boys, Edwa Tommy, .are movin tober from their hi nut avenue to Roc] Mr. >Hoban has be( business. ra, IIi., WtIq transierred arethn, Mrs. Axel 1ri Tittie and Mns. W. ren, Mrs. John 'of Purdue unive aynes Pitnee. pledged, to Eta from St. L.i Barrington.