FOR. SALE.- ORIGINAL HEPPJLE-, white buffet and banquet table - ýalso Early American antique furniture. Phone Cedarcrest 1135. ___ 17LTN2-2tp DINING ROOM SET. BURL WALNUT. 8. chairs,- table, buffet, china cabinet, lu eeletcondition. 434 Greenleaf Ave., Glencoe 443. 17lLTËN20-Itp CLARK-1EWIEL GAS STO6VE. WRIT with black trim. Loraine oven control. Wil. 1579. 1315 Wilmiette ,Avenue., 171LTN20.ltp LARGE MAHOGANY BUFFET, MA- hogany dresser with separate mirror and, one painted'dresser. Phone evenings. Wilmette 3Ù55. 171LTN2Ô.ltp MAHOGANY, DINING ROOM TABLE,, chairs, and china closet. Winnetka 1812. 171LTN>20-ltp, MOHAIR DAVENPOUT CHAIR. MA- HOGANY FRAME. $25. 723 FOXDALE AVE., WINNETKA. 171LTN2-tp BEDROOM AND) LIVING ROOM FUR- niture. 8M. Lake Avenue, Wflynete. 171LTN20-tp 172t WTD. TO MUY-HSHLD. 60065 M. BERG Winl pay top prie ture, brie-a-hi« books and men's ýur used furni- *hold articles WANTED TO BUY - SELL change household goocis. We brlca-bracs, glassware and FELL's - 930 Chicago Ave. 1 172 and Wilni i 174 WTrD. TO BUY-MISC«ELL Junk Dealer Phil Sel Will buy furniture, bath i old, lron. washing machines, of junk. Pay best prices. Wl! 174 NORTH SHORE. SALVAI ËEST PRICES FOR BOOXS, zines.,'old plumbing and mhià junk. Phone Wünnetka 1322. BOOKS Wil! buy vour 'books. Alsop braries. ,Wil!!cal!. WILMETTIE 3214.- 1741 WANTED ONE USEP MOTOR SCOOT1 condition. WilI pay cash. W Bo 60,wfimette. - 1741 -. Reason- The- schedule with many of the 1'3L3-tp. artists is as follows: iW RtB Thursdayn ht Novemnber 2, obe. CaDlý,y ih, ii~.'ou~ Aida," with Rose Bampton i the ______titlerole, Eleanor LaMarice as "Arn .Nzous neris," and Kurt Baumi, Viennese tenor, making his debut as. the ili- iulman fated*-'Càptain of the Guard." tubs, feDobeBl any. kind fe.obeDi metteé 744. November 9, a double bill,,"Cavai-; ILN2-lpleria .Rusticana," .with .Dusolina IGE Giannini,, internationally knôwni so- 9. MAG A- prano. and Galliano Masini, farn ous ,ceaeoustenor, in leading roles; and "I Pa- 4LTN2-itp gliacci," with, Vivian Della Chiesa, John Pane-Gasser and Carlo Morelli. private >l- November 16, "The. Bartered Bride,"' comie. opera to be, sung in 4LTN19-4tp English. Hilda Burke, soprano, and IN GOOD rite B-287, W1f-N04tp' 175 EXC1ANG-MISCELLANEOUS_ PIANO, VIOLIN, VIOLA, OR CELLO lessons given ln exchange for intertor decorating - plastering, painting, etc. Winnetka 846. 175LTN20Itp GUIDE-LECTUÉE' TOURS "Native American Plants" will bei the subject of a guide-lecture tourý for the general publie to be present- 1 ed at Field Museum of Natural His-! 41 k.jAUKKU.~ Bny the.Illinois Automobile Club J When we speak of traffic accidents we generally think of the dead, But' what about the injured Do they al becomne well and live -happily ever after" Sadly enough, they do not. Too often their injuries.linger, a long moor, ' wîinJMiss uieggiau'i inm titie role, and Armnand Tolcatyan and Carlo Morelli in the cast. December 7,. "Faistaf" comic opraba sçd on. Shakespear' "Merry Wives of Windsor," to. be sung in English. John Charles Thomas,. one of America's most pop- ulrbaritones, will sing, the naine part.. Hilda Burke,, Dusolina GÇian- nini, Armand. Tokatyan, 'and Robert Weede will be included. in the cast. Ballet lis Feature Decembèr 14, "Lakme," with Hil- de Reggiani, Andre Burdino,, famous French' tenor, and Mark 'Love. In three'-of these operas the famous Littlefield ballet will be featured- "'Aida1," "The Bartered Bride" and "Lakmie." 1An eighth popular-pricéd opera will be presented for school children on F'riday, Deçember 15, at 2 'cloclk "Hansel and Gretel," in English, will bc sung at this time with Louise. Hoe and Elizabeth Brown as the two children, and Sonia Sharnova as the witch. This opera will be followed by a ballet danced by the Littlefield company. Miss Helen Howe, director of mnu- sic for the Chicago public schools, is directing this special season of opera. quz iise na ixires :. . JawnmoIwer, $4. Barrow andnmise. gard. tools and furn., Cheap.. 606 Provident, Winn.> 173L20-ltp FOR IMMEDIATE SALE 0F YOURý wmecesaryfurniture, household ef- feéts and antiques, PHONE UNI. 0189. CROST FURNITURE STORE. estabIlshed 1898, will give your call prompt atten- tion, for single items or complete home. 173LTN49-tf c OAK LOGS hibits; on Wednesday the, subjeet nignt anld day, one person is pýer - will be "Indians of South and Cen- rnienantly disabled - 90.000 such tral. America," and on Friday cases last year. Don't sel] your "flirds --:- Past and Present" These happinèss for a moments folly - tours are open to ail museum Vis-'witlk wisely, drive sanely! ______artes _sseble__nidetl north entrance. Watful Eyes Get No Surprise! WHAT'S IN A NAMVE? Old Faithiful: The easy camaraderie of the foot- irnan. after a ail field is productive of manyljchase, finally BUTLERL KNOX.' A motorcycle. police-' long and harrowing pulled abreast the and waved hirnto rD AN) POWER. OJI5 5672 But juat as dead. 173LTIN94tp OPPOSES PBEP MATES j- _______ _ PRACTICALLY Duane Clemons, sophomore end tealwnates frorn Storm Lake, ey skates, *!ze . candidate on Northwestern's football will be on the Hawkeye. squad. T 'etor anid sereen, t hpst e cinaans r o hpa n toB 82. tem oe oseato g IntaeTmCpaadOtoB 113L20ltp Iowa this fail since two high school cher. M ~ T lm'*wi -ý ý 9L tu ý . 1 - --l