£ dielerIsrià Clagoified*V sret Mb .- Dadîn.,o1 IfS* 1Olne- edutou eyda9 'PM. for WI.LPTTE LIFE'or ail three paper's; WeeedaY B P«..for. WINNETKA TPAL and, Thursday 5 P. M. for GLJMNOE NEWS., Telephones: Wilmette 4300, Wlinnetka 2000 <Wirnetka 5M0 after 6 P. M.). Greenleaf M30 or Shel- drake 1210.1317. 94SITrUATrIONS WANTIED-WomEN UNINCUMBERED COMPANION NURSE Thoroughly q4,àlffied, capable secre- tary; middle aged. Tliavel if deslred. Best N.S. refers. Ph. Wnntka 1198. 94LTN20-ltp RELIABLE WHITE WOMAN WISHES cleaning or, laundry by day or hour. Excellent refers. Ph. Wilmette 3367. 94LTN20ltp RÎEGISTERED NURSE, WILLING TO. take any case. Reasoniable salary.ý North Shore physicians' references. Ph. Longbeach 0815. 94LTN20o-îtp AYWORK, LAUNDRY WORK OR cooking. 12 years experience. Good references. Cali before 9:00 A.M. Kenil- wot 29.94LTN20ltp A-i COOK, COLORED. SPECIALTIES- meats, cakes, pastries., Wages $15 and up. No iaundry. Call Victory 1798. ______________ 94LTN20-Itp EXPERIENCED W H 1T E WOMAN wants day work. N. S. references. CalMrs. Diebold-Winetka 3295. 94LTN20-Itp WHITE WOMAN. INTELLIGENT, CON- scientious, willing. Wishes to dlean one day per week. $3.50 including car- fare. Winnetka 2572. 94LT20-ltp T R U S T W O R T H Y. EXPERIENCED, CLEAN WHITE GENERAL HOUSE- MAID, GOOD COOK. KEYSTONE 5954. * 941Jr20-ltp LAUNDRY OR CLEANING BV' T H-1E day. Rtets ly the hour. Winn. 1486. - 94L20-ltp CL.EANING $2.25 FOR 8 HOURS. IST class. City & North Shore refers. Drexel 7949. 94LTN20-tp 95 SITUATIONS WANTECO--MEN BROWN'S HOUSECLEANING SERVICE & Iawns. Through fromn attic to base- ment wvith ail equip. & transp. Table wajing & bar tending a specialty. Reas. N.S. refers. Neat col. Kenil. 5205. 95LTN20-ltp COURTEOUS, LICENSED, COLORED se SITUATIoNS WTD.--MEN & WOMEN WHY Cail the Central Agenclés for Houise- hold Help and, posiiorils? BECAUSE Trhe~y Save. you. timfi, money and cnusion. Our 1Policy:--1 ta _3 interviews. 748 Elin St. CALL Wlnnetka 2003. CENTRALDOM -AGENCIES 8 N. First. Stree t E Highland Park 96LTN20-1te A-i COUPLES AVAILABLE. ALL NATIONALITIES 2-10 yrs. reference on North Shore. Good supply of colored couples. Carlson's impl. Agency 818 Eliii St. Wînnetka 1175 96LTN20-tc COL. COUPLE. EXP. GD. DISPOSI- tion, sober, wiliing. wish jermanen-t pos. Woman gd. Cook & maid. Man ail around. Dr-ive, serve properly. Gd. refs. Winn. 994. 96LTN20-Itp COLORED COUPLE WITH EXCEL- lent North Shore References. Man, li- censed chauffeur, good houseman and butler. Wlfe, good cook and maid. Cal Gre. 5182. 96LTN20-tp .97 HELP WANTED-WObEN 2 aduits, $125; 3 adult 4 aduits. $150; 2 adulte Others $100 and u *We have what we advi SHORLINE EMPLOYMENI 746 Elm St., Winn Its, $135 ts $100 'p ertise [T. AGENCY I97LTN20-tc GIRLS-COUPLES- 173 JOBS POR GIRLS LISTED ON SEPT. 19, cooks, generai maids, 2nds, laun- dresses. Wages $12 to $20. Inexperienced wages $7 to $10. 29 couple jobs listed. Wages $90 to S$135. -Apply in person. YNG. PROT OMN XPR WI( oriall chiden alsodo hsewk.MuWstThé refined, patient, understandlng, and ap preiat th apea of a ittie child. Stat wvages,refs. Wn. 2852. 97LTN20-ltp EXPBJECE»WHITE GIRL POIR general' housework. $10. Stay. Refer- ences requi red..Wilmiette 3760. 97LTN20)-ltp G I R L FOR GEN. ' HOUSEWORK. VWhite, experiencedi, must iike chil. diren. No heavyr laundry. Own room. $10 wk. Ref s. Ulinietka 30M6. 97L20-ltp WHITE GIRL, 20-30, FOR GENERAL housework. ,WU-ling worker. S t a y nights. 6 in family. Lauindress employed. Winnetka 15M8. 1. 97L20-ltp WHITE GIRL FOR DOWNSTÏAIRS work, plain cooking. nô laundry. 2 children. Own room. $7. Ph. Wilmette 4393 97LTN2O-îîp EXP. WHITE GIRL 20-35, FORi GEN- erail hsewk. Cooking, no heavy laundry, Own room. Child 3V2. Near tran. New- home. Local iefs. Kédflhlwôh '560*. - 97LTN20-ltp 3 GOOD SALESLAÉDIS TO RE- ÈP- resent us on North Shore. Must b. energetlc, neat appearig. Exlp. fot nec- essary. Write 46'i41 N. Western Ave. Chicago. ___ 97LTN20-4tp GENERAL MAID, GOOD PLAIN COOK. 3 ADULTS. $9 WEEK. REFERENCES. WINN. 2721. ____ 97LTN20-îtp 'NEAT. CAPABLE MAID lor general houseworlç. quwred. 1746 Washington Ave 454w. NEW HOUSE. LAKE AV£. bard Rd. Mothers helper., riights. Protestant. Phone Wi ait er 6: 00_p. m. . 1 EXP. GIRL, PROT..GENERÀ SPlaini cook, 4 ini faimily.C bath. References rcequired., 4TH & LINDEN WMLUUTJ 511 115 FOR RENT-»OONS Plea$ant Clean Roomn ON FIRST FLOOR. NEaR TR&NSPOR. *tationi. Cai ,Wlnnetka 8099. 1 or 2 RoomnsWïth Bath N EÉ A R, HUEBARD WOODS TRANS. SBreakfast privilégés if deslred. Win- netka 1113. 116LT-ltp UNUSUJALLY ATTRACTIVE ROOM. IN. privatie adult homne. Reas. Breakfasts opt. Neair' trans.. and sehools., Exception- al opportunity. Glencoe 1719. ]ROOMS FOR RENT- 2nd floor. 601 Green Bay Rd., Ph. Wltnette 5376 116LTN17-4tp ROOM FOR STUDENTS OR TEACHERS. DOBLOR SIGL. PRIAT PAIL. ARAGE. IEAR LAKCE AN~D TRANS. WILMET'rE 2616. 116LTN2-lte SINGLE RQOM NEAR ýELM ST. TRANS. 47Û. CHESTNUT ST., WINNETKA, 3M8. ATTRACTIVE-ROM D home near New Trier, Gi Country Day school, 3 blocks fi portation. 2727 Poplar, Winn., D ýs re- PLEASANT, LARGE R< âw>*t Near bath, oil heat, newly dec zu11 famil . Near "L." Adults. Kitt HIB. Phone ý*llmette 3986. 116 2094 SLEEPING PORCH WITH S1V '20ltp Iolning room. Suitable for tii -men preferred. Garage if des EWK. Winnetka 1342. -m. & entral LARGE FRONT ROOM SUITAI 20-ltp two. Also single room. Usec GEN- Near transportation. Phone WA ÂJD- ,entie. S<Cal 20-tp ai n zincung eix 1580 Shermnan rv.) br 'ro 79 nent. E., Ev. 1 ehtcc t. V ITE DMAID: work and c oili i. 'Glencoe 1614. - egrvug xpr ...... pe itN ju bIAtI 1 )S & COUPLES gpod fall poitions room. Twin beds. Cail Wlnnetki 1580 Shermnan Ave., Evanston NCL UNSE, EL GRE.5830roomn. Reasonable. in good' 9OLTN2O-ltp Phone Wil 16M.lieuL (Form. E MES. STi work. wl Cali Gre.