scnool, wno wassa passenger on the British liner "'Athenia," sunk short- ly atter the war began. Mr. Brown, who had been visiting relatives ini Great Britain when the war brokei outi was one of the Amnericanslisted as 4 missing" this week 'by the. state department. He made > is home. i Evanston and had been o n the New Trier faculty since 1921'. Pro gram of ri -Ship Be ginsWith ,Classes the opening of school last week marked the beginnxng of 'another yeàr of Tri-ship -actiVity at Ne w T rier High school. The Tri-ship co- operated with the student.council in getting the 700,new freshmen and the 150 newupper classmen, acquainted with. their new surroundings. The club is composed of ail the boys at., the ýchool. The chairman of the inter-seholas- *tic relations comrnittee, Ralph Star- rett, announced& that a get-together for- the new upper classmen bas. been arranged and will be held in the. near future. ýThe purpose of this *meeting is to give the new upper classmnen a chance to rneet the lead- ers of the school's athietie teamns, *of school organizations, and of the various clubs. The first Tri-ship dance of the sea- ,on will be held ,on September 30. Els Carlson and Chicagoan M arry Sept. 16 The wedding of:' Miss Pearl Modene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar F. Modene of Chicago,: and Elis Carlson, son of Mr. and Mrs. *Oscar F. Carlson, 369 Sterling' road. were given passes which will admiit themn to New Trler's !irst home game 'with, nndsen,. Saturday.ý The activities ticket'drive will con- tinue througb next Wednesday,atr which there will be -no 'further chance to subscribe to the ducats, The New Trier activities- ticket, which has become almost an insti- tution at the Indian Hill. school, al,- lows the student to.-see the drama- ticproductions, bandi concerts, foot-, L-all. and basketball games, and swimming meets, and in addition, privileges -the student t6 recelve, the literary magazine, Inklings, and. the newspaper, the. New Trier News. The ticket supports the aétivities mentioned, and moreover supports basebail and track, the intramural sports program, debate, and the any incomne. The studènt couneil is pushing this drive and by next Wednesday hopes to report 100 per cent of the 2,657 students at New Trier pledged to buy an activities ticket, it was announced. The dance committee under the leadership o! Jini Lang has made preparations for this occasion. Lew Diaxnond and his orchestra wlil fur- Begin Season Soon The seventh season of North Shore WVriters' Guild activities will open at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, October 17, in the, French room. of the Georgian hotel, Evanston. There will be ten meetings, on al- ternate Tuesdays, lasting two hours each under the direction of Dr. Ber- J', Premier, Special N.w-genuie DYJPLX model ian- proved wit nv1939.feeture * FÙI Bdath Vbr&twe. *r.s' * Bstml S..rdh.14J 1, *Pý mU~at . FpU"LLYOUA RANTEER $o o ~ GNLYi>t~ c.ol "'Bt ,of 'Highland Park, istafson of Chicago. f or- knurauj, .&vrs. bamue John IAxthur Whiteley; or, IWalsh, o!, Evanston. i m