CIub's Meeting .The first fall meeting of the Ev- anston - North Shore Smith College club -will be held on, Wednesdayrj September 27,.at 2-30'o'clock, at the. studio of Mr. and Mrs.-David DuÉh- Min, 555 Glendale avenue,, Wlnnetka. Mr. and Mrs. Dushkin are t he or- iginators and directors- of the School1 of Musical, Arts: and Crafts, whlch, *since its beginnmng in 1929,, ha&s be- corne widely known for its methodax of musical educationi. It has grown from a. smal group. of very young children to an enrollment of two, hunldred, comprising children a n d adulte of ail ages. The school has for its. prin!ci- pal aim,- the giving of an education in musiè rather than merely les- sons on a specified instrument. This it accompllshes. by group work from the begiraning, by the making of various iàruxmerts in itslage workshop, as well as by private instruction. It is interesting to know that the 'Carnegie F'oundation has given the school a grant for further developing work w i t h amateur group playing and family group playing. Mrs. Dushkin was formerly Miss Dorothy Smith of the class of 1925~ at Smlith college. Mrs. John R.' Montgomery, Jr., an- Event at Shawnee t A memberoJ the junio~r c -mttee of the Sunset Ridige' Coi try club is Patty Pulfer of W netka, who is assisting with pli - for the Jamipede for juniors hi school ageand' over which t take place at the club Prid might of this week. Garaens nas resigned as nead othe shop, and Mrs. William- Wo od o! Wilmetteand.Mrs. Tysen Poppel of Wilmette haVe taken the chairman- ship together. The first meeting of the committee, wiil be held at Mrs. Wood's home, 407 Washington ave- nue, Monday.. Plans for the bail center willspon- sor, its name still undecided, pro- gress, -and Mrs. Willis Stronig.of Glen- view,, chairmUn, held a meeting. of her committee a.t her home Wednes- day morning. *. Mrs. Norman ýAnderson is one. of the co-chairmen of tickets, with Mrs.; Leonardi Wood of Evanston,, another. S Mrs. Poppell is in charge of music. Mrs. George Hartnett ofIndian Hill estates, is chajrman o! games. Friday- of this week, Mrs. Leonard ~m'Wilo, ai rman -of the ticeket 'com- u- mittee, will have a meeting of her Vin captains and committee at her home in Evanston. ELLs. igh uni lay Lunclieon at Indian HUII Precedes Lecture A luncheon at Indian Hil club, for The 'annual dessert bridge and. fashion show of the Shawnee Coun- try club will be held on Friday, Oc- tober 6, at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Robert F. Doepel is serving as general chair- man of the affair and -will be assist- ed by a committee of Shawnee wom-w en from i-l of the north shore corn- munitieÉ. The fashion show will include an exhibition of virtually every item featured In thé feminie wardrobe thi s season and will represent seven smart shô'ps and stores. A competi- tion is being held to select models for the fashion show..among daugh- ters of Shawnee families. The style committee named by Mrs.. Doepel includes Mrs. Richard Howell, of Evanston; Mrs. Orrin Clif- ton, of Wilrnette; Mrs. Roland Felt- man, of Kenilworth; and Mrs. Cath- erine Rogers, of WIlmTette. The at- rangements conimittee includes Mrs. Carl Bruch and Mrs. Louis Ander-. son, of Evanston. Mrs. Albert Rolle, of Evanston, and Mrs. Charles Simmons, of Wil- mette, are serving as comchairmen of the ticket committee. They will be assisted by Mrs. Clarence Shearon and Mrs. John G. Wilson, of Wil- mette; .Mrs. Fred Ploger and Mrs. Frederick Bechstein. of Evanston: The assisting ternoon meetiri Miss Christine ka and Mrs. CI Mrs. Morris. S. hostesses for the a!- g Wednesday wlll be Baumann of Winnet- ýharles P. Gilson and Swaney of Evanston.- O rphanage Friends The first board meeting this fal if the Friends of Lake Bluff orphan- age will be held at 1:30 o'clock Mon- day, September 25, at the home of the president, Mrs. Vilas Johnson, 930 Chestnut avenue. Along with. other business to be taken up at that time is 'the appointment of a new publicity chairman in.-EvanistQn, be- * With a' journalistic and literary background, Mr. Richardson de- veioped his interest ini gardening so successfully that he flow is consider- ed one of the country' s greatest au- * thorities on garden subjects, and he is seiecting one of his most absorb- ing lectures to present to his North Shore audience. The lecture bhgins nf 92f3 ln',1égf Seplember 26'Opens Alpha Xi Delta Term>