Bertha Ott will present Bertil Hiller, 855 Spruce street, Winnetka,; baritone, ini a joint re- citai pt Kimball hall in Chicago Monday eve- ning,. October 9, at 8:15, o'clock with Carol Silver, pianist. This 15 the first of a series of Kimbali hall programs by the young winners of the con- test spopsored this spring by' the Society of American Musdicians;*. Mr. Hum-Ier was the wi nner, in the -division for men soloists, and Miss Silver the winner, in the division for pianists. The contest is open alike to.professionals and non-,professionals,' wit h no limits. placed upon the age .o! the participants., Mr. Hiller completed his ýstudies in June at, tAhe Cosmopolitan>,conservattoi-Y., He was heard in a recital at Winnetka Communhity Hougethis sprlng and last Deemrber wasichosen to appear with the, Azerican ýCôncert !orchestra. on the federal music project's Young artists series. He bhas sang before varlous North Shore groups,, and is soloist at Christ Episcopal chûrch i inta A member of thxe Chicago Attists association, he also belongs to other music organizations i Chicago and the North Shore, and to thxe Winnet- ka Drama club. The program which he and Miss Silver will give October 9 is -as follows: Ernest Martin Photo Bertil Hiller of Wiirnetka, baritone, wirner of the Society of American Musicians' con- witlx Carol Silver, pianist, b?, Bertha Ott at' Kimball Hall Moiday evening, October 9.> inthe program Will be new songs by contempo- rary composers. The. artists Will ,intrciduce, some ofMrs. Elliott's gongs to the public. Miss Florence Tennyson, a memnber -o! the trio, is "«a1 routined and stage clever soprano," according1 to Hermn.n Devries. "She. revealed a, tone of amazing. depth- and sonority for,-a, categorized coloratura. ..She is thoroughly at horne ina1lthe. reauirements of her profession.", Mrs. Elizabeth Weixel of the trio, a violinist, willplay obbligatos and'solo numbers., Well known to the Nortb Shore and ini Chicago, she reeve er training at Northwestern universi- ty and the American conservatory. Mrs. Elliott, pianist, has a degree from Syra- cuse university and is a pupil of- the composer, ~William .Berwald., She has written over two hundred songs, three plays, and an opera, whicb have been produced.1 Five of ber new songs will *be published this faîl. . Last spring she won first prize in the -composera' contest of the Illinois Fderatin of M-Uic Cltlbe: ,Wednesday afternoon, she presenteci a pro- gr;ýrnof ber compositions at a tea and musicale *ini the parlors. of the Covenant Methodist church in Evanston.