"SUED FOR LIEL"I Kent Taylor,.last seeni "Five Came Bacek," and Linda Rayes, who recently played, the feminine lead in "Conspiracy," have been awarded the leading- roles in RKO, Radio's "«Sued for Libel." BEo.. SUER DeIIv.ryS baboy DoIIeIos Americon en d Io ro«eo I ad Hro lied- to Joseph -.M. " Mium" Gates for the comnedy roles, in a show they heard. was to be produced. *lnphliadeiphia. Gates 'admitted their Possibillltes, and said the, finaI choice between themn and 'a well-known black- faced comedian Was: Up to the 8how's angel. Ofhe latter, an amateur in the. show world, asked on ly one question: "AHow much..do they wantr' The black-faced comie wanted $200 per week; the Marxes, wànted. $200 per week. di "ire teMrxes!" the show's backersaid 'to Gates. "It's as plain as daylight that: it's a better deal , if we get four men at $200, rather than just one!" FOSTE1VS FOLLY 'Preston*Ft ëtw PIay1ng the lèad- ing role of "Geronimo,"' studied for six' years to be an opera singer,- then landed a job on the stage. It was the part of a Chinese deaf mute. omn- s- ingNvour .nmeauflTm e tredex-a 11w girl, Miriam, in ~ *ROOF -GARDEN 1 R'he1 omeiv, '&rgNom Shearer, Joan Crawoford, and Rosalinci NEWY DCORTHOReal Jewels Look War Iiidoor Sport JIN VAN ORDEN AND HIS ORCHESTRA Phoney to Camera lu Cïiiema, Capital Choie@ Lqmoea et. P.pular Prlces half Aneouncement, fto en real daces- Regardless of Europe, Hollywood has the war situation well under A ...L.1. -A WIDE VARIUTY Of F00D Station , qNNElrKA, 3707