Noes~weu1.,mInd.,. ater a ortnigi's visit wth UASU CaBIUp@udnt Notbetu er 9sser's family, the. R. A. Mar-, Nadonal it nu,,..coupauY mdks 303 Cumnor road, Ken- HENNRY P. KCRANSZ =liwrth.Joanm Marmaduke, who has CO PN been vislting her aunt, Mrs. Merritte I ~s. OMPNYSmfith, in Denver, s expected homne jr~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~lt thisweek.~'V '~'V '~'y - .ý ;"y 7 %U~uumn M EUans JTýarE lI subdivldig fourteen -acres of our 33-acre utursery, we have sold huudreds-of our fmeut evergreens ln thie past three weeks.. Corne and make your selectk>u wble there is, a conpletè listto choose frona at Alese DAIGAIN PICE Tihnk 'e t Atlà'0-yer aid grafted EVER- GREMENS fer as little as $1.00. m advle - Our tralned Iaiidicape architects *Hl. be giai ta help Youm ake your selection. Briug photographa ef yoearhbouse and grounds.' Corne early ha tthe week andi avoldth Ae crowds. Se% ON VARISTIES SWAIN NELSON& SONS CO.' OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS Glouview Rond West of St. Paul Trucks GI.avlew, III. 01 ba The residence illustrated above îs now being completed in Highland Park for Burton m. Smalley,,a.,v:ce-president of the Joslyn Maùufactur- ing and Supply company, which has recently received much publicity in conùectiÔn w...h itsepesWonsystem., 7his hnqç la ail :nr,.o11nt ,+ m t tConnecticut Colonial architecture rd contains eleven rooms,. four aths and two-car, garage.ý avenue, Chiagoe, is0theN.archiansu Wevillard Wakieré, 307t N. ichie ansu pervSIng construction of the home. Building Hom e? Don'"t Forget Tephonïe Wiring! Many persons who build new homes or remQdel their old ones for- get to plan in advance for concealed wiring inside the house, local offi- cials of the Illinois Bell Telephone company say. Telephone wires, they say, can be concealed very easily by placing a few lengths o! simple, inexpensive pipe inside the walI- andl floo nn,- q Beaus building a home is ýa new expv erince. to most persons, mhany architects, contractots ,and builders. are advising their :prospects to in- clude fadiities for' telephone service in their original plans. In mnany attractive mnodemn homies the telpoewres are concealed by plain them >n a simple piece of pipe which runs insidé' the walls from the basemnent to upper floors wiiere teiephone outiets are desired or .may be needed at. somne future time. ri îe he wires a clear path throg bracings, fire stops, insula- tion and otIi-, obstacls of Modfern 'bUilld. ing through Which the telephone installer cannot "fish- themn. Although the actual work of installing the pipe is done by the 'contractor, the. telephone company gladly will help the oWner, the architect, the bufider or con- tractor plan the most convenient Iayout for concealing the wiring, whatever the type of building. There la, of course, no, charge for, this assistance. Ail the prospective builder or his agent need do to avai themnselves of this free service is to call the Manager of the compafly and he will make ail necessary arrange- ments for worklng out a simnple, suitable plan. Where telephones nmvbereuler q c-lu temn n ericeIu or- n the problem. o! instal- mI .ng is left to the ingenuity Ii hone company. It1 to Avold This! ins pla int the homre-owner usu- dui snot considering plans en( ie service before he built. us" Iern methods and build- be als,* the spaces in the Oc alny trne Wittout ornes only a few luit, are requlred. 1 that this pipe bèï Iding is lathed or the pipe, or ton. s advise placing or two. pipes are aVerage honeý- 905 Cicago Ave.. Evamstojm Davis 7722 jast, ye I 11 At this ally regi for telepi IDue tn.ý Devis 7722