Çcfoid IULLCRFIST F g'f m. GIL Oewm uitr =r- tuescceuht eor-«Pl home T m elrs. e m Ce . qW tetou. Muslc. Dancing. Drma»tis. cata)og. SrAR M. DAISN.BX-A. fleaver Dam, ýWlemscosn., :jR Teauhes Rlow-o-Study. luIly accroditcd le - - hot emmanuatlouu.MAlo Bnusncu Wcoure. Ages 10 t., 20. M.difid relit- t tarualiig for CHARACTER sud Physique. Ne yquîasiuuu and pool. Endowed. 85 mile south of Chicago. Route 45. Visit or write: I hEren andi Parents Mie tâte MChulns SchoMeote Nationlu CisHege Sf Eduoatlus 'in EvaBnu Cblldren's il AiU grad. SCH#OOL, FOR BOYS Dor on nd lCountry Day Boo 8gm Sthrough 18. Au .stabllsh rach achool wblch micoudsuly P pares boys tforeàastemre=-,arto a oos.Ctalogue.AdrsDiet P. O ox 141,___ tipà aU 'Z' tunsfem to N. W. U.fin.,m. Ase 471. a. S. Mii. Dra*mk".os.Rt. De., CosUMe -D«49c. Art. secreta",al. rit. la co-educa- iuwsery achool, ,b 8th gradé. Bernie Photo Miss Rose Mary Mc1Keghan, datughte f MrII. and Mrs. Wil- liam A. MeKeighan, 1615 Walnut avenue, Wilmette, will enter the Uni versithy of Chicago titis flu on a full tuition scholarsh4p auwarded lier by the institution. McKeighan was also awarded scholarship by the Girls club rTrier. Preceding ber gradua- ýom high school in June. she By MgtrJorle McLean Leary School Consultant More and More do military schools, especially in this, IocaUty where they> are outstanding,- hold appeal for, the boy., This appeal bas to do with the desire,;for an adý- venturous experi- ence *Militarysebools; have undergone.a, great change s ince t h e World war when many. o! the outstanding .9 ones incorpo rated 4 distinct ,mrilltary training. Today, for the, most part, the military train- 1 .ng or disciplineis used as a means (Bernie Photo) o! implanting the Marjorle Leary fundamental ideas of thoroughness, promptness, respect f o r authority, and faithfulness in the performance of duty. Personal responsibility and initiative are the objectves. Many of the Militaryr schools in the mlId-west, in spite of the long tradi- tion of education and training have or are quickly adopting the ideas of individualized education, to suit~ the boy's need. Many of them have in- corporated excellent courses ini voca- tional training and guidance both in Fireproof buildings. LiMousine srv- te. Bot noon lunch If deulred. We invite you to visit the. school. Wite or telephone for catalog. Fali session opens Septotuber BOUL Tele. phtones: Grooleaf CM,1 Rogers Park IM,7 Wilntt.. 4m. Clara Belle Baker. Dretor. Evanston. DIL Sauders.Roud. Northbr.k, II. LETTIE L JOHNSTON WANDA GREINEISEN For Intormafton Teleplhone Gleocoe 928 vvinittiii h.i. vvariie ala, 4Aizdi L US street, Winnetka, returned the first' of the weelc to Princeton, N. J., where be will be a sophomore titis fail at Princeton university. Bill's brother, Ware, will leave tomorrow (Friday) for Ithaca, N. Y., where, he will begmn his first year at Cor- inell university. TAKES GIIADUATE COURS8E AT WILLIAMWOODS COLLEGE Bernice Jane Mitchell, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Mitchell, 2115 Thornwood- avenue, Wilmette, left Sunday to. enter Williamnwoods, college at Fulton, Mo. Miss Mit- chell was graduated in June fromn New Trier High scbool. RETURN TO SCROOLS Day an~d Evening Classes STUDIO BUILDING Avenue, Evanston *master, McIH Pstake 325. Unie 3004, t e - .mm