Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1939, p. 12

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il AN. - m'lng Palwand Sermon. FRMDAT, BuPTENDER 1 The Wom's Ausoiated GWIda vi bave a it« a thib Paia I flouseto inau- %e te thelr autum seasocf activity. lreattendance in destred and ex- pe rfor at tbii.Urne plans for Uic guld viibe gamoioc. Thursdoy'vemlng vili be tU i rsi e. hearsai et ibe fechoirand ibe Senior sunday, Sep tbr 1,viimark thc repenin la s Cu cliseool. The Pri- mary dcpartment viiimeet in thec-Club- bouse, 1128, Wlmette avenue, at 9:30 am.. and Includes ail chlien up tbrougli third ffrade. Parents are requested to brin ÜÏéichidren directy to the Club- bouse, whlch la Uic large house directiy north of the church lding The Junior department mnets in the church proper at 9:45. Their own church sevice, wI ibe. *lowe by .regitration in the classrooms to whlch they willbe dlrected. The Girls' choir 7iU oct meet for me- bearnai untili Saturday, September 23. but members are asked to be present and vcsted this Sunday, taklng their usu- al places. Wilmette Baptist Wlhette and Forest avenues Rev. George D. Alilson, pastor eorners tu O,- i vited te attend. r h ire ni s us e Firat Presbyterhn Nlnth -street at. -ren efavenue, lamnes T. Venekiasen, minister- Mr. Venekiasen returnhî to his pulpit after ai vacation, and the theme of the mornlng worshlp service is "But God." You are ýcordlally lnvited to worship with The musicfor the mornlng worshlP service will be as foilows: Organ Prelude foCaprice Herolque"ý....... ....Bonnet solo &"Fear Not. O Israel" ...........Buck Mr. Otis Solo. l'Arlse, Shine", ....... ... MaciDergnid Mr. Otis O)rgan'Postlude, "Postlude ln A minor" ......... Rlnek The Churcli council wIll meet Wednes- day , evenlng, September,20, at' 8 o'elock. in the chape;,. The Sunday school wll resumne in al departments ai9:30 o'cloek. 8eptrnber 20. The Tuxis club will resumne is mt ings Sunday, September 24. Spoke meetings-September 26. Pirat Conigre gational John G. Hlndley, minisier Alex B. Ferguson. director of, religipus education SUN'DAY SERVICES Church sehool .................... 9 Befinnersand primarles.......... 10 ri et - not be onuken.- AIICKU wiU aiso ue a story for the junior congregation. The music for Uic service wili be as follows: Organ Prelude-"ýMornlng Song". . .Elgar 1Emily Roberts Solo--"lke as a Father" ......... Scott Beula Edwards Offertoire Solo-2"Teach me, O Lord" ............... LaForge Beula Edwards Potud-Fafre'......Lemmens I.yn, ore, m iaice new bmeb'as, ana mee ol one.You viiienjoy IL. KAPPA PI PM! Thssenior higli achool. group wll have a get-together meeèting aàt thc churcli, Sunday at 7. The group ponds"s to be large, and to enjoy 'an Interesting year. Corne and loin wlth us lu this Sunday evening fellowshlp. Evangelical LutIsern. Seventh street at Greenleaf avenue "A BOUSE OF WORSjwp9 ne Rev.. David R. Kable, pastor SUNDAT SEIRVICES Church schooli................ 9:45 a.m. Service of :Worshlp ........... Il a.m. Junior Luther league.......... 3 p.m. Senior Luther league.......... 5:30 p.m.. The music for the Service of Worehip next Sunday mornlng is as follows: Anthem-Turn Thy Face TheSenorChoir Mrs. J. H. XIopp Postlude- Gloria in Excelsis Dec....Mozart *Victoria MeLeod-Ministry of Music Senior choir rehearsal, Thursday eve- ning ai 7:30 o'clock. Junior choir rehearsal, Saturday morn- ing ai 10 o'clock. We Invite you to attend our Service cf Worship next Sunday mornig at il o'clock. Your week wilIIbe more joyous. The Confirmation class for the ensulng year will hold the first session cf the dlams on Sunday morning. September 17, durlng the Church school hour. The pas. tor wifl be glad to confer wlth parents with regard ta this Instruction for their children. us in tmu worunip at theciose of cach Sabbatb Day. Attend churcli next Sundayl Unio*n Chutrch Kenilworth .]Dr.' Herbert L. Willett. ininister T he services of the church iwlli bc re- sumed Sunday. eptember 17,. Dr. Har. ris Frankin U Riof Garrett'i Bibical i. sttueriUocuptic et pulpit in the absence of D.Wilt. 1Bis subject will be' "Creator of HeavenadEah. The churcli service Is at l olock.1 The, Mulsic for the churcli service wiII be as foflows: Organ Prelude-Prelude and.Fugue in E. Minor........... .........Bach Anthem--God la' A Spirit...... .Bennett, Offertory-Wind ln the Pine Trees..........Clokey, Solo.-Blesulngs ................Curran Thie Sunday school wifl mreet at 9:45. There are classes for chlldren between the ages ef the îiIh -schoni - nd the, kin-ý dergarten. The school is divlded irkto three dePartments: Prlmnary department, in. cluding pre-school, kindergarten, flrst, second and third grades; Junior depart- ment, lncludlng fourth fifili and sixth grades, Senior department. Including seV., enth and eighth grades through the high sehool. Visitors are eordially invited. A cordial invitation is extended to those nlot attendlng chue lsewhere to 'te ,a4iza- inthro- el intd iAv wuriAu. Methodist Chu rch Wilmette avenue ai Lake avenue Erskine M. Jeffords, minlster Marvm Rusk, student assistant unday, Sepiember 17. marks the cul. iation cf our Raliy Week. There wilI a Churcli schoi Assembly at 9:30 .ock. The Il c'clock wrshin uit1 hn ivitea. Pl on page 4

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