A new f eatu re of the sho w this year will be a class for terrace ta- ble arrangements, -in, which the fol- lowing gardera clubs will participate: The Winnetka Garden club, Win- netka Weeders, garden department of the Wiranetka Women's club and the Kenilworth Garden club. Announcement is also made that the association is repeating the class for grd1er1clubs, wJhich, 1ast year, proved the outstarading -class of the show. This year a green gardèn wiil also be a feature. It wil occupy the cen- ter portion of the south end of the gymnasium, at Community House, where these shows are held. llequest Iniproved Traffie Coutrol inthe J ewisn calendar. Services will be held at the North Shoreê Co n g r egation Israel, Glencoe, Wednesday, Sep- tember 13, at 8:15,,-p.m. and Rabbi Shuman, Thursday morn- ing, September 14, at 10 o'clock.> Rabbi Charles E. Shulman will conduct the services.. On Thu rsday morning, ,September, 14, special children's services wil be conducted by Mrs. Avis Shulman. New Year and Atonerment Day, the holy day which occurs ten days later, differ from most Jèwish festivals, it is explained, in that they were pot the outgrowth of old nature festi- vals or based upon historie events. fIn tnient imhes; ihewre was but fope holiday ina the fail, the harvest festi- val. Ater the exile in Babylonia, thit holiday was divided into three dis- tincet holidays but by the time the second Temple in Jerusalem was de- stroyed, the New Year festival be- came marked with 'the same ideal- ism and ceremony that are preval- lent today. More serious ina mood than other holidays in the Jewish calendar the' days at the beginning of the year stress the moral responsibility, of the individual. They are days for meditation and 1reparation for a new year of raobler life, it is empha- sized. Mallinckrodt to Be gin New School Term Next Monda y Wilmette Unit, No. 46, Ameni- can Legion Auxiliary has been in-. vited to hold its last meeting of the Auxeiliary Vear, 1938-1939, in the newly compZeted home of ita J U~ n i o r past-presideùt, Mrs. James R. McCue (above), located in Glen Oak Acres, Glenview. At' this meting tihe ?itotry ofthe past year's activities will be read. The reports from the delegates to the state convention held at Peorla,. will also be given. Further business will be the making of plans for the annual installation dinner, held joint- ly with the American Legion. Grant'Permit for Ternporary Roadway Surveyôr .D. J. L. Walther, 1150 Central avenue. appeared before the Village board Tuiesday night as rep- resentative of the Power Enaginieer- ing company, which concerra is build- ing a number of houses on Green- wood avenue, between Twenty-third and D.artmouth streets, Wlmette. Permissiona was sought to construct a teniporary gravel and oil pave- ment ina Greenwood avenue to per- mit ,building operations, to continue, Sungay,. September 10 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. B reakfast served by Sixth divisionï. Roli Cail program. Mombers and friends asked to corne as familles and groups for the brea kfast and remairi for Church school aànd church worship. 10 a.m.-Opeing session of the- Church' school. Il a.. - Church worship; pastor's sermon, -The Task Supreme." 6 P. m.- Young People's groups. Monday, September Il: 8 P. M.- Quarteriy conference and Officiai board; Dr. A. T. Stephenson, district superintendeait, presiding. Re- ports for the year will be given by or- gan12zaton i1endt, and the paas rth~e new year outlined. Wednesday, September 13- 6:30 p; m. - AIl1-Church dinner meet- ing in Social hall. Covei-ed dish plan of service and menu; Ifrs. W. J. Chap- man, dinner chairnian. A Fellowsbip pro- gram in keeping with the Anniversary Year and Rally Week has been arranged. Ail members and friends of the chua-ch are invited to attend, comig as fam- iles and groups. Sunday, September 17: 9:30 a. m. - CGeneral Assembly of the Church school with rafly prograni. Il a. m. - Church worsbip with com- missioning service of offieers and teaob- ers of the Church school. A culmJaatlng service for RaIly Week. Pa*tr p se-. mon. -Leaders' AIl. Other important activities during Rally Week include: Monday, 8 p.m., Junior Guild at the home of Mrs. Howard Storch, 707 Greenleaf ave- nue; Thursday, 1:30 p.m., Woman's Missionary society tea at the churçh, with Mrs. Gilbert StanseUl of Elgin as guest speaker; Friday, 10 a.m., First of Woman's Gut1d Book Re- views, Florence Bourke Ells, re- vie*-