Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Sep 1939, p. 55

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D<.adine or Inertina~aClasslfled advertlsements wlf . e Kenil. 5610. Dedin W mari)e-cepted Up to Tuesday 9. P. M. for EPEIN DWHT WIILME'ITE LIFE or ail three papers: Wednesday 9 .P.M. forLWNEK GENERUAL .. OUSEWo: TALK and Thursday j P.-M. for GLENCON NEWS. Telephones: Wlmette HOG INE,5D 4M0. Winnetka 200 Winnetka 500 after P. M.),, Greenleaf 4300 or Shel- WINNETKA.. Winnetka: 955. EXPER. 1ST CLASS -HOUSEWORKER. windows, woodwork, w all s,* floors vvaxed. Butler to serve -dinner parties; licensed' chauffeurý. Work by day. or hour. Wil. 4903. 95LT18ltp CAPABLE, RELIABLE GARDENE14. LONG EXPER. AND GOOD REFERS., WISHES WORK 2 OR 3 DAYS A WEEK. WINNETKA 2848 95LTN18-ltp: EXP. MAN WiTH 15 YEARS EXPERI- ence- and North Shore references de- sires wo-rk as chauffeur and hoUsernan. U3ni. 0045. 95LTN18ýltp EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS ODD jobs byhy our or 4ay~. Rease eIearnng, - wîindow washing, etc. Ph. Thomas. Ken- ilworth 2640. 95LTN18-tp COLORED CHAUFFEUR WANTS POSI- tion. Would consider couple job, excel. references. Cail Greenleaf 8259. 95LTN18-ltp YOUNG MAN WA N TS CLEANING. painting, yard work. Mac. Wlmette 4288. 95LTN18-ltp 96 SITUATIONS WTD.-MKN & WOMEN THE STURGIS Ernployment Service Is a SELECTIVEI SERVICE YOUR INDIVIDUAL REQ1IREMENTS RECOGNIZED AND DISCRIMINATION SH-OWN 1IN. OUR SELECTION. OF YOUIt SERVANTS 1580 Sherman Ave., Evanston Gre. 5850 96LTN1i8-1te es BIT. WD-MLBFEMALg EXPERIENCED COLOnED COUPLE WISH ýPOSITION AS GOOD PLAIN COOK, BUTLER, CHAUFFEUR. NORTH SHORE REFER. GLENCE 1158., 9OLTNI89-ltp McCULLOUGH D DEVLIN AGENCY We cari use 50, or 75 girls now. Couples our specialty. Giencoe 446 .425 Adamns Ave., Gleice 9OLTN18-ltp. 97 HELP WANTEDÏ--WO MmN SEE BAKER FOR BETT~ER JOBS Cooks-$18.$20. General jobs, $12.$18. Irnd jobs, -$1-and'ff8 nurse jobs, $15 and $20' COUPLES 2 adults, $125; 3 adults, $135 4 aduits, $125; 2 aduits, $140 Others $100 and Up We have what we advertise SHORLINE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 746 Elm St., Winn., 97LTN18-ltc WANTED - REPRESENTATIVE TO look after our magazine subscription interest in Wilmette and vicinity. Our plan enables you to secure a good part of the hundreds of dollars spent in this vicinity each fail and winter for maga- zines. Oldest agericy in U. S. Guaranteed lowest rates on ail periodçials, domestic andi foreign. Instructions. andi equlpment free. Start a glrowing and permanent business in whoie or spare time. Espe. ciaily adaptable 'for Shut-ins. Address MOORE-COTTRELL. Inc., Naples Road, North Cohocton, N. Y. 97Ll8-2tp LADIES!' FULL OR PART TIME. HERE IS a. proposition-if will enabie you UIJ..LUALM I EXP. STENOGRAPHER AND) BOOK- keeper in ýWinnetka. Local girl pre- ferred . Write, giving qualifications. B275, Box 60, Wllmette, Illinois. 97LTN,18-ltp GEN HSEWK. WHITE, EXP.. GOOD PLAIN COOK.' 4 IN FAMILY. OWN ROOM, BATH,"RADIO. REFERENCES NO LAUNDRY.. WINNETKA 3M. 97LTN4184tp WHITE> GIRL 18-25. EXPERIENCED. Care of 2'/2 year old child and 2nd floor work. Stay. Ref. $8-$10. Cail Wl- mette 66. 97LTN18-ltc GENERAL HOUSEWORK - WHITE. ý eekappea.aoeý o. aundry oueok îng. Private roomn and porch. 2 children. $8. Wilmette 2135. 97LTN18.ltp WANTED-GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GEN- eral housework including- laundry. One o'clock through dinner. Hubbard Wds. Winnetka 2949. 97LTN18-ltp WHITE, GENERAL MAID, FOND 0F children, help with laundry. Own room. Four in family. Refs. $10. Wil. 1910. 97LTN18-ltc CAPABLE, NEAT WRITE GIRL FOR general hsewk. and cooking. Must like children. Own room. $10 .week. Glencoe 2fl: 7.97LTN1&ltp WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Plain .cooklng. Noi laundry. 3 ebidren. Own room and both Phone Wlmette 4417., 97 TN18-ltp WHITE GIRL, LAUNDRY, ASSIST WITH hoùsework. Own room $6. 1240 Greg- ory Ave., Wlmette 1462. 97LTN18-ltp housewoik. 4 ti fami1ly. Stay. Good references. Glencoe 1405. 97LT18,ltp ROOMS FOR RENT 2nd floor. 601 Green Bay Rd., Ph. Wilmette 5 2 LOVELY ROOMS. SITTINGl ROOM with large sleeping porch adjomning. Nicely furnished. Sultable for 2.,Nie east. side neighborhood. near transp. Reasonable. Ph. Wininetka 1M9. 116LTX18-îtp, MASTER BEDRM. WITH TI ES connectlng sitting rm. and private bath for two. Also 3rd floor rm. wfth private bath for 1. Wlnnetka 3384. SINGLE lROOM, 31W J'LOOR. 'USE OF bath and sltting room. exclusive from rest of bouse. Near lake and transporta- tion. Mani only. Wlnnetka 1180, 11OLTN1-îtp MASTER BEDROOM. 4 WINDOWS, -2 clothes closets, extension phone, Or will arrange for smalier bedlroomn. Both very light and sunny. Wlnnetka 1235. 16LTN8ltp CLEAN, SINGLE RM. WITH PLENTY of hot water. Conven. to bath. 1,1 blk. to transportation. Private homne. Cafl Glencoe 1786, after 5, p. m . .I-t NICE LARGE COMFORTABLlF 1OM. Near bath. Near transportation. Gentle- mani preferred. Wilmeitt 2353. NICELY FURISIED ROOM NEXT TO- bath. Close to transportation. Hot water at ail timnes. Phone Wilmçtte 3368. 116LTN18-itp COMFORTABLZ ROO1M FOR 1 OR 2 people, in'-Pr1vate homne. Near transp. Meals optional. Ph. Wilmette 2568. 116LTN18-ltp PLEASANT ROOM AND -BATH ANDý ail conven*enoes. 3 blocks to Elým St. stations. Ph, Wnek 415.,

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