OPEN THURSDAY- SATURDAY EVENINGS. <~<* i~i 8.75 and 70.75 1 mi ~1 i ala. The United States Navy band un- Best fortified of the backfield *der the leadership. of Lieut. Charles posts from the standpoint of vet- Benter, will be presented in two con- erans are left half and ouarterback, -et this fl by Nules Center Post both of which hv three lettermen No. 320, Anièrican Legion. The band on. harid. F'ullback and ri«ht haif is the premier musical organization have two letter winners available. of the United States navy and ac- Debut at Quarterback cording to 'Charles M. -Hahn, corn- Jack.Ryan, one.of thé most versa- mander-elect of the post and gen- tile players. on the teami, iIl make eral.chairman of the concert com- his debut at quarterback, after hav- mittee,, there will be an afternoon ing served as fulllback. as a soDho- performance at 3. o'clock and, one in more and a halfback last year. This th veigat8olok chunky, bhard running veteran is one. The concerts will be given on Sat- of the, best piassers on the, squad. urday, September 3Ô, in, the new having -.completed 17 Passes out of- Miles Township' Communi ty High 42 last,year for a :total 'of 233 yards. school which opened this spring at Other. experienced quarterbacks Nules and Lincoln avenues,' Nues are Nick Conteas and Dick Richards Cener.Thee wll e n oter p-who shared' the assignment -Iast pearance of the banid in the Chi-yerRihdsajuotundna ago distrc t eason. getspoore performance iast fail and is certain to see much ac- *Mr. Hahn is being assisted by the 'tion in -1939. following committee ichairmfen: Rob- Ole(e)Hhnnti ed ert S. Throop, tickets; William K grOup of sixReftHhaienidateas. 'Lyon, advertising, program and pub- gthe fsixnt ftbihbllicanteail ca licity; Merle S. Becker, receptIon ; thestngth of pas brg liafQrmaecas- Colmn ~. lle; inate~T~d ~a sophomore, Red can be label- Hein, paking Bet C.Coleaned the No. 1 man for the job in the auditorium and custodian; and an pre-season forecast. Other letter- advisory committee consisting Of:.e.vial ortepsto r F. ruc Haris HemanGia.niiPaul Soper anid Erwin Madsen, two Paul L. Wertz, Richard G. Cecil, more juniors, who turned in imnpres- Ralph E. Cotanche, Joseph G. Fish- sv ohmr hwns er, Dean W. Flagg, Milton C. Ohl- iv ohmrsown. son, Fred W. Yost, and Henry H.I Seek Jefferson Successor ar ore .l.mese ferson leaves an opening at right Mayo Gerge . BameuerOf half and here again two lettermen Nje Center i edn a "Booster" -ire ready to step into the brea ch, J ETURN FJtOM MICHIGAN Mr. and Mrs. John Nuveen, Jr., 520 Warwick road, Kenilworth, and their chldren, Margaret, Anne, Tin-, my and Billy, returned Tuesday from Sylvan Beach, Mich., where, since the first of July, Mrs. Nuveen and the children had stayed at their cottage, while Mr. Nuveen had week-ended there. Dtring July, Mr. and Mrs. Nuveen and their two daughters drove east to visit, the hiave madie gooci showi-ngs. in the few times they, hâve broken into the lineup. îGeorge McGurn and F'rancis Pur- tell are the lettermen available at fullback. McGurn a senior, has donc, most of the fullbacking for the past, two years. Last year he was one of the hardest, working backs on. t h e squad, carrying the bail 83 times for a total of 277 yards and a 3.2 ,average-. A group of 12 so)hnnh rtq wil ines-,you'Il i suede and in -in sooty, ricli brown suede. EDGPAR A. STEVENS., 1c Eyan. bis normal Evansôn jpounds by t s and luggage over 1 The average age of Northwest- ,tages caused the loss i erm university's football squad is 20 e expects to return to years, eight months. The team aver- laymng weight of.> 180 ages 184 pounds ini weight and the, opening of the season. average height ;s 5 feet Il inches. W'. Service, s' t k