Bali-Wilson Photo Miss Vrginma lngrami of Ev- aliston, Jormerly of Winnetka, womatn's champion 'of Suniset Ridge Country club since 1924. except for an interval of one year wheit she did not co6yipete, wont the woman's crown at the club again ast week. In. the final rounld she de! eated Mrs. Howard. Seehonsen of Evcinston. runner- Up. Schedule Carnival At Sunset Ridge greets oufumn with scores of niiideas For instance this fuzzy iftle turban of angora wool wound around 'in a fascinating mnan- ner. It cornes in the most delicious bright cotors as weII .as black and brown. Ail for * eptember i9. Lew iDiamond aa n hs orchestra will play for the dancing, and there wiil be carnival g ames *an-d prizes. Mrs. P. N. Sea is in charge of this party. Miss Virginia Ingramn of Evans- ton. formerly of Winnetka, was agai proclaimed club ichampion_ following the women's tournarnent' played last week. In 1923, When Sun-; set Ridge was organized. Miss Ing- i-arn was runner-up in this tourna- ment. and annually since, except' foi, one vear when she did not com- Now! BeIIe-Sharmeer 's And for your more dress-up costumes there's this flattering head-Iiugging feit with wide lona strea mers fo hanq aaily Sharmeer stockings I-o$SL65 at 7' o'ciocic, and commâence. at 9. siiclusive witk Stevei EDGAR A. STEVENS,, mc. ms in Ev'anston any way to sut yoÙr fancy- an t ust EDGAR A. STEVENS, mfc. r is to e lec eserveci ire will