-Of.North Shore Mrs. F. J. Buckridge of Chicago is Woman's champion of North Shore Country club, and Mrs. H. P. Saun- ders of Chicago is runner-up.. The tournament was played T ucsday to Friday of last week with the follôw- ing winners in the various classes: *Class IB - Mrs. W.F.'Lucke. of Cýhicago, first;, Mrs. George -A. .Reilly of Evanston, riznner-up; Class. C -> Mrs. N. J. Jeran,of Chicago, first; Mrs. Allen Sauter o)f Chicago. runner-up; Class .D- MrÉ. Charles R. Shabino of Evanston, first; Mrs. Henry C. Howes of Evanston, run- -uer-up. Fridays play wa s followed by, a cocktail part 'y and a luncheon, at which the prizes for the week were aiwarded. ThursdaY of this week, the junior girls wili play their championship lournamnent, followed by a luncheon to which theýir mothers are invited. Mrs. Maxine Miner is giving aý series of six bridge lessons on Tues- days following the golf luncheons, and the remainder of the afternoon is taken Up with pivot play. * While last Saturday night was des- ignated the final dance of the sum- mer season, the committee has since decided,. after numerous requests, to * hold anot1her« dance on the sixteenth. Joe Rudolph and his orchestra are to furnish the music. The National Amateur golf tour- nament will 4e held at N'orth Shore Septemnber 11 to 16. Many leading amateurs, of the United Sta tes 'will be there to participa te, Announce Engagement. 0Of Marjore Kresge Mr. and Mrs.. M. L. Kiresge, 1118 Mohawk road, Wilmette, announce the engagement of their daughter, Marjorie, to Albert W. Clutter of La- Salle, ll..the sn f , r àli *1rs Sterline P. Williarris of Lake Forest. director of thie Parent- Teacher orgýanjzation for this dis- trict. invited a 'number of Wilmnette WoMen to ber hone on Wednesday of this we.ek to complete Plans for- the annual district conference whic h will be held on Friday, October 6ý at the Howvard school, auditorium. Those who atte nded the meeting at Mrs. Williams' homne included Mrs. H.' G.. Van Winkle,: general. arrange- ments chairman: Mrs.. Frank J. Dowd. district publicity. director:« *Mrs. Milton Bowen, chairman of the hospitality committee': Mrs. B.-L. Mitchell, district, radio comm ittee chairman. and 'Ars. Frank Suttle. publicity chairman. Colqafe AIumni Entertain Fres.hmen * The Colgate Alumni club of Chi- ~cago, is givirrg -i dinner at .500'P'esh' tigo court, ChicLgo. this (Thursday) evenîng, for the freshrnen ecoing to, Colgate university this faîl. The din- ner is preceded by a swýimm-ing party at the Lake Shore Athletic club. AmQong the north shore fresh- men invited to the party are Rand- olph Colemnan, R. "W. Derker. Jr., and Harry C. D. McCluskey. of Win- netka; Richard .LaBonte and Jamres Steen of Wilmette; and John Barnett o! Glencoe. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Moly- neaux, 219 Leicester road, Renil- worth, *and farnlly returned last week-end from a nionth's vacation at Trout lake, Wis. Engcsged D.uBos-e JDrake Mrs. Catherine Rogers, 1210 Greenwood avenue. 'IWîlmette. lias been appoïnted chairman of the newvly inaugurated series of Ladies Day prograrns at Shau.neeý Country club. Robert F. Doepel. the president. a??nounýced * ast.' wveek. BaPfist Luncheon The Wornan's society of the Wil- mette BaPtist church formallv opens its year's work with a luncheon at the church on Friday, September 8, at 1 O'clock. Mrs. G. N. Larnb's link wili be hostess for the luncheon. with Mrs. E. C. Groves in charge. Mr.Frank G. Guthridge,. pro- i gramn chairman, has arranged' an unu sually interesting program for this September meeting, and brings Mrs. A. L. Fuller as devotional lead- er. Mrs. Fuller will speak on *ýSTir- Wedding Saturday Miss Alison Burge of Wilrnettc.. Charles and. Donald, Ford of Wi]- mýrette, C. Olin Sethness of Winnetka. Mlr. and Mrs.: Georg-e. Dorr .Wolf. J.r.., of Glenview. and.Miss Helen Mulac, of Cleveland, Ohio., will be arnong the, out-of4town-guests at-the:,wed- ding: of. Miss Caro1l Emily Fingulini of Webster Groves, Mo., and Arthur L.ý Rice, Jr., of Wilmette on Satur- day, Septemnber. 9. The^ ceremony will ta*ke place in the Pr esbyterian church of Websier Groves, and will be followed by wedding supper at the Missouri Ath-- letic club in St. Louis. 1Miss Mary,,E. MoUlton of Ishlp)em- ing. Mich.,*is to be theý bride's maici of honor, and Kingsley L. Rice of Evanston- the best man. R. Reid Scaîfe of Evanstori, and. A. J. Fin- gulin of Webster Groves wilI usher 4Vter a honeyoon in.the $tmok' mountaîns of Tennessee and North Carolina. the young couple wilI liVe at 2216 Maple avenue; Evanston. ýThe bride .is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. A. V. Fingulin of Webster Groves. and Mr. Rice the son of .Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Rice of 518 Cen- tral avenue, Wilmette. .She was graduated from the School, of Music at Northwestern where she was president of Kappa Delta sor- ority. Mr. Rice was president of Delta Uipsilon at the Unive.rsity of~ Illinois, graduating from the sehoo'L of Commerce. 0. E. S. Holds Card Party on Saturday Mrs. W. T. Morgan o! 411 Ridge road, Kenilworth, will hé hostessÉ for the Eastern Star card party- which will be held at her home Sat-, urday, September 9. She will ha as- sisted by Mrs. E. V. Youngberg. Mrs. E. A. Fellers, Mrs. M. T. W .& rn p 'r - u- - ronesses o! ýbers wilI in- ons and pat- tion. on, 117 9 ur etet, ý Week. at 'Ihundred and ýfi!f- of house at the ]R day, Augus$t 29. rthday, Miss ighter o! Mr. m, 1045 Elm-. ied about two ts at an openL me on Tues-