Edward Lange, Jr., 1040 Forest Classes Sept., 25 avenue, and Herbert Barsuinian of Evanston have just returned from. a The Village and Farm sehool is 4,500 mile motor trip to the Cana- getting ready to open on Septem- dian Roekies. They also stopped at ber 25. The camp in Vermont, where Glacier National park wbere they many of, the cbildren have spent the. attened a. convention. of Kappa Sig- summer,, has closed after a ;very na, fraternity. -Mn. Lange was ,a successful and productive season., Kappa Sigma at the Universîty of and the chîidren are looking* for- Wisco nsin, andi Mr. Barsumnian a. ward. to the openiing of sehoolhere. Kappa Sigma. at the University of Both groups of-the school, the nur- California. Members of, the. E.. L. sery school,_ known as, The Village Lange family, are moving. aboutSep- School ,in -1Gle-ncoe, and the older tember 25 from 1040Y Forest avenue group for cbjîdren fromn 5 to. 12 to 909 Washington, street, Evans- years of. age at The Farrn in North- ton. brook,, will open, September 25 and. already enrolîments are numerous, RETUEN FROM WEST and the groups aie large. The work Mr. and, Mrs. William Knoop an d <f this sehool is, becoming well thei son anddagtrEbtan known* and, is recognized* as Out- Wilma, returnèd this past week-end standing in the field of education. to their home at 224 Wood court,:af- A school ýwhich aims to give the! tér baving. spent the pas t fortnight chid ver oporunty orintllc-at Salida, Colo., in the heart of the tualI development and to help him. to Rockies. Ebert left this week for adjust himself to whatever situ- iChampaign, where he will begin his ation he may find himself in, bas senior year t the University of Il- proven t4het such a result tan be jimois, while Wilma will soon return obtained when a child is given the to National College of Eciucation for rigbt stimulus in the right environ e ohmr er ment. aebigOl e ohmr er Plansar en made to furtber !~A this work both at The F a r m: H EVWER BAI Sehool and at the Village Scbool Get Away fromi Rgweed Pelle,, at and a bappy and ful year is in THE S Y E Cf Habe otel and Bungalows 'Lake, Sayner, 'Wiscojn Write or Wire for Reservolitis I Rose c'karks and Katharine Weinberg- ,Announce class and. priva1e instruction for school children. adoles- cents.and.,aduits in The Relurn From Motor Jorney ini Canada M11r. 'and Mrs. L. A. Moore and their son, George, of .633 Laurel ave- nue. Wilmette. have returned from a motor trip to Sa.ult. Sainte Marie. M\ackinac 'Island. Dearborn, Midi.. and points in Canada including Lon- don. Godenich (Mr. Moore's birtb- place). and Hamilton. They also visited Niagara Falls and Buffalo and returned along the' southern s hore of Lake Erie, and thirough Michigan, stoppîng at Battie Creek. Lansing and Benton Harbor. Labor Day week-end, was spent at Wonder Lake. near McHenry, Ill., visiting KATHARINE LORDS ST UDIO, CLASSES, IW-ART FOR ADULTS AND CHILDRUNI StuiÛoOp eus Septmber 19t o ieTn a We' Are Hée .Daillyfo DScusl.Po e 614' Devis Sfreet (2mmd loo.r) ,Ph... GRiemiecf 1035* EDUSATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR 'ADULTS EVENJ-NGS Loste Aftermgum, Saturays COLLESE, PROFESSIEINAL, BUSINMESS COURSES Two-Ilour Sessions Once or Twice a JPeek