ing teernost neroic dog at the Shore Land Kennel club's show. The ceremony, a feature of Na- tional Dog Week, will be marked by the presentation of a certificate, of menît and a. special medal whiich is being struck in the. dog's honot. Miss Dudley, -a dog fancier in her own right,, consented to participat in the, celebration when it was learn- ed that Bette Davis, screen star and president of.The Tailwaggers Foun- dainof America. would be unable to attend because of other important, cormmîtments., Mrs. Berndalyn Kewley, secretary of the club, ;announced that 'littie tales of heroismn performed by faith- fui dogs are continuing to pour in and urged that further, nomiinations ber hands by Septemnber 10. The Kennel club secretary also stressed the same date as the final o-)ic for entries in the dôg show, which wiIl see mo)re than 300 case awý\ards, trophies and other prizes presented to the winners in ail class- es. She repeated that dogs 'do flot have to bc registered with the Amer- icani Kennel Club to be eligible for entry in the Shore Land meet, Q)r any other recognized show. Mrs. Kewley added that entry of a dog in the novice class or the American-bred class requires that the entry blank show the date, place of birth, and. the nane' of the fand assistin the art department. Accompanied by ber mother, Miss Crowe left Wedhesday to drive to Akron.- Mrs., Crowe will help her, daughter furnish an apartment there and then. will return by train. on Saturday. 1 Sunda y of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Crowe left to spend four . days, at Saugatuick, .Mich., visiting Mr. and Mrs. -Marshall Jackson of River For- est, who have taleen a cottage there for the summen., New, Trier Graduate Is Enrolled ai Beloit Among the ,fneshrnen enrolled at Marcia Anderson, 1614 Elmwood avenue, of Wilmette. IPreshmnen report at Beloit on September 18 and go through a thnee-day orientation period. Class- es begin on Friday, September 21. Last year, 600 students attended Be- lQit college, setting a new record for the 93year-old institution. Attend- ance is expected to be about the same for the coming year. Miss Anderson was graduated i June fromn New Trier Township Uigb school. September Important Cla.ssi<r.Slipmoui Gloves. -I Mil