The finalists in the Shawnee Country club women's doubles chamh- pÏonshiip tournament. exchange .a friendly handclasp before 'starting theÏr titie duel. Mrs. Joseph Nate and Mrs. Krause-Wiehmann f left) put up a hard ba tti >e before, bowiing' to Miss Jean WillUamson ,and Miss Mary Ann Matthe-u,.s, uho won the championship trophy by a score of 6-4, 7-5. Miss Matthews went on to rnake 'a cean swee p of the Shawnee u'oinen's et'ents by winning the singles titie in the final match against Mrs. Ralph Wheaton. Helein Weldon Wins Awrard for Design. Miss Helen Weldon, 1340 Green- wood avenue, Wilmette,- rèceived word last week that she is the win- ner of the third prize, a cash award, in the Poster Design contest spon-, sored by the Saugatuck-Michigan Arts association., in connetion with'." on's poster was on view in the Sau- gatuck Art galleries where it re- ceived much favorable comment, and it congratulated ber on ber ar-; tistic talent. The contest was open to artists everywhere in the coun- try. *Miss Weldon was winner of the second prize in the cover design con- 9Vuu ~8DÂCk IWALLPAPER -& PAINT STORE Corne and see this n.west Bosch Stor -Carrying Bosch styled wallpapers- famnous throughouft he -naion-sn e17. 44#. mplee siockof ýbeaulfotu wlipapers, pafifts, enarnels, varnishes, brusbes, win dow shades and Venefian blinds. Free deliveries throughouf the North Shore Est. 60 Ycars 1177-Wilme'H'e Avenue Wiluneff. h ýj x yat-acqLcaùdRt £74?fr I JS~ e s, e e e e VAL UABLE COUPON