A jury show, this is onxe of the most Jones, Bud Streed, ]Everett Ecken. important salons of the year, and beck, and John, Stephenson,. was very highly praised by, critics The party .v got, under way at 7:30 for the quality of the.work displayed. when everyône embarked on t h.ë TPhe sal *on is located in the Palais de three boats whlch weire used -thal Chailot, night. These. boats, were the schoon- Still another honor to corne to this er. "Phantomf," the - Snipe, "Low.ý young' artist is the tact that hier in- nose,". and the arrow, "H1alcy. structor, Andre L'Hote, with w hom on." The use -of the ",.Halcyon," was she, chose to study, bas namied bier kindly given to :us by Elswortlh the only, student to assIst'bhi in the Jones. carrying out of an important com- Aiter a mostenoabesail, the mission, a. mural to bang in 1the' of- W .hole a t adjon e o" ys fices of the minister of foreign af- wbere hamburgers and Coca-Colaî fairs. After its completion'the mural were consumned, in large quantities. is to be copied :in tapestry by the T'hus ended another- evening in pur- famous Aubusson weavers. suit of the fourth of "'S" Sea -Scout- The> subject of the mural,,willi be ing whichstands for "Social."7 international, in scope, and Miss Walker -will not only assist i the painting but will be the rnodel for "Friendshir Dinuer" the young American girl in sportslJt cture, neofth'orgre 19te pict4ure i. ~ ~Sel f Sépt. 19by Local Civic Leaders B eyo Scouts I A number of Wilmette leaders met * last Monday evening at~ Shawnee L Country club to discuss plans for the LOST AND FOUND first annual -Wilmette Friendshjp Every year with th 'e close of Camp dinner." a stag party to be held Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, a collection of lostý Tuesday evening, September 19, at and found articles is amassed.! that club. your jewelry for that event. Watches and Jewelry cleuined, repaired andi remodeled. New fal Jewelry and college charms. 1131 Cetral Ave. *"leute 32"< U eu -i Films! Films! coniplete stek DUcOINT a0e$ pairs of shoes,. twa rolls of Kodak and business organizations in the films, a Scout handbook, and several village. other small articles wbich are of Robert E * Ricksen was appoint- value to those wbo lost tbemf. ed temporary president of t h e Any Scout reading this item and Friendsbip Dinner committee, and recognizing any of these abjects as announces that the committee on ar- bhis _éwn please caîl for them at coun- rangements will be appointed at a cil headquarters in Highland Park. second business dinner to be held next Tuesday evening at Shawnee. They, will get busy immediately on Luxemburgers to Have full details. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Minor, Win- netka, are driving, and James B. Crowley, Kenilwortb, will drive a, trio of men i his car, getting under- way next Sunday. lV-ed herr e n years. DOROTRETGlu Cleanslng Creams. Regular $ a' 9 ý . 1 - . - - ý ý mmmmkà-. , . - ýeft years.