Place September 9 The wedding of Miss Dorothy Lor- mne Strauss and Arthur W. Kraatz, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kraatz o!, Chicago, will take place Satur- day, September 9, it is *announcded by her parents, Mr. ýand Mrs. Edward B. Strauss of 329 Washington ave- nue. Areception at the Strauss homne is tô follow the ceremony,ý which will take plade at. the Wilmette Presby- terian church at 4 o'clock iii the af- ternoon. Miss :Mary Louise Allen of WNil- mette has been chosen maid of hon- or, andthe bridesmaid s wilU be Miss Georgette Becker, and Miss Louise Husack, both .of Wilmnette, and Miss Gene Strauss, a cousin of the.bride. Mr. Kraatz will have Raymond ktieatz, his. brother, for his best man, and the ushers are* Robert Strauss, brother of the bride, Bar- clay Jones and Richard Benson of The parties. preceding the weddmng1 begari in July when Mrs. Sam David and Mrs. Helen Stolle gave a lunch- eon for the bride 'at the Charm House flear Des Plaines. July 28,1 Mrs. Alice Strauss, aunt of Missi * Strauss, was hostess at a kitchen1 shower, and a second kitchen show-1 er was held August 3, with Miss1 Martha Carmen of Evanston, a sor- ority sister, as hostess. Wiiarci K. Jaques, the son of Wil- lard W. Jaaues and the late Mrs. Jaques of Chicago. *Miss Matthews, a member of the, Evanston Junior league, was grad- uated fromn Royc-emore ýschool and from Vassar . college. Mr., Jaques. attended Williams college,, graduat- ing in 1934.Hi mother, a daughter o! the late. Judge Christian C. Kohl- saat, was president of. the Garden, Club of Illinois:and the Garden Club o! Evanston, at, the time of her death two years ago. Miss Matthews' and Mr. Jaques will be marnied in the late faîl, prob- ably the latter part of November. To Attend Wedding Mn. and Mrs. George H. Rigler of 70l6' Cu'mmings .road, kenilworth, and their son, Thomas, will go to Minne- apolis, Minn., to attend the wedding of their niece, Miss Elizabeth Phelps, to Harry Johnson of Min- neapolis on September 16. Thomas, who is only ten, will play wedding music by Wagner and Mendelssohn, and wiil accompany Mr. Rigler when he sings at the ceremony. They will stay in Minneapolis just for the week-end of the weddiug. Moffett Photo Friday, August 18, tuas the wedcling dal, of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richards. The bride is the former Dorothy Agnes Robertson, claughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wed in September The name of Miss Joan Guthrldge of Wiln-ette is added to the list. of September brides. She is to be mar-' ried at 4 o'clock Saturday, Septemn- ber 23, in the Wilmette Baptist church to John L' Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick'W. Stewart of Granville, Ohio. Miss.Guthrîdge is the daughter of Mr.. and; Mrs. Frank G. Guthridge, 917 Greenwood avenue. The Rev, George.D. Aillison,, pas- tor, is to oiilciàte at the iceremony which will be a recep- tion at Shawnee Country cÉlub. The bride is to have six attend- ants, four of whom are her sisters. Miss Janet Guthridge, a ýsister, is maid of honor, and Mrs. James I. Halden of Oak Park, the matron of honor. The two bridesmaids will be Cythera Guthridge and Betty Stew- art, sisters respectively o! the bride and britlegroorn, while the bride'-s two younger sisters. Frances and Genevieve, wili serve as junior bridesmaicis. Robert Carney is comning fromn Dayton, Ohio, to be the best mnan, and the ushers are Julian Maire o! Detroit, James I. Halden of Oak Park, and Albert Henderson of Chi- cagoý After t h e. i r wedding trip, Mr. Stewart and hi s bride wilIlîve in friends; of the Strauss lamily, will be host and hostess at a formai dli.- ner dance at Westmoreland Country club, Saturday evening. A bridai dinner. *111 be given by the bride's, parents Septemnber 8 at. the Orring- ton hotel. Announce of About September 1 they will be. at home in Piles Center, after a mnotor trip north. Fete Helen Or-vïs At Bridal Showers by Mrs. Albert Gebert at hen home in Wilmette. Tomorrow Mrs. Rich- ard Antes of Detroit, who is here visitine her family in Evanston, will be hostess at a. bridge party to be held in Evanston. M ary Belle Woodley their n 30