Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Aug 1939, p. 28

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Lights of Coming Book Review Series Mrs. -Paul Gross, Jr., is chairman of the book reView'series which Mrs.., Henry G. Zander, Jr., of Kenilwor th will give commencing Frýiday,, Sep- temnber 29, i the, parlors of the, Wil- mette Congregational church, under the spon sorship o! the North End cirçle. Tlwe series includes six ýFr- day morning -lectures, October 13, 27,' Novemnber 10, 24, and December 8. at 10:15 o'clock. Meinbers of Mrs. Gross's commit- tee are Miss Florence Butz,, Mrs. Charles Bixby, Mrs. C. D. Ewer, Mrs. R; E. Pattison Kline, Mrs., Her- bent, Mulford. and Mrs. Bruce- P. Owens., * Mrs. Zander expects to present a varied group of lectures,~ some out- standing fiction, some non-fiction. In the latter, she will place special em- phasis upon the latèst books by Joh~n * Gunther anid Vincent Sheehan, bath * of whomn were ber classmates at the University of Chicago. "Inside Asia" by Gunther, the objective ob- server, and "Not Peace but a Sword" by Sheehan. a far more im-, passioned presentation of current a!- fairs, will be in sharp contrast. At least one lecture will be de- voted to the new plays in New York, whieh Mrs. Zander has ju st had the me nIuuL. Runining throughout the possibly during every other will be. a presentation o!, events., course,, lecturee eu Opens Home for Opel Benefit, Sepl.mber Il3 J. D. Toloff Photo~ Mrs. Harry C. Kinne of Wil- mette, president of the Woman's guild of the Wlmette Parish Met ho cilst church, looks ahectd with interest to the opening of the new sea son earliy next rnonth. The flrst major event of the lear will be the series of five bookc reviews commencing September 15, under guild auspices. The pro grams uilll be given five successive Friday mnornings in the church hall. Young Westmorelanders HaeDance Saturday The Sanctuary department of th Woman's Catholie club of Wilmette is sponsoring a salad bridgé at the home of Mrs. Frank Fols om, 945 Michigan avenue, on Wedinesday, September 27.. Lovely prizes are being selected, and the committee is. makinig every effort, to. give those in attendance on enjoyable afternoon. Proceeds from the Party. will be used to pur- chase surplices for the altar boys of St. Francis Xavier church.. Réservations for the bridge: may be made with any mnember of the cornmittee,, which isý composed, of. the following women: Mrs., Frank Oelerith, chairman,; Mrs. W. A. CIO- hisy, co-chairman; Mrs. Ernest Mundee,- Mrs. Frank Thale, .M r s. Peter McCall, , Mrs., Frank Meter, Mrs. Arthur- Johns On, Mrs. Henry Schmidt, Mrs. George Arns. Mrs. William Barron, Mrs. Folsomi, Mrs. R. R. Fontham, Mrs. Harry Barker, Mrs. hômnas Gibbon, and Mts. 1J0 seph Cutten. Harvest Home Party The annual Harvest>Home dance, Skokie Country club's "Party of par- ties," is announced for Saturday evening, September 30. Dancing un- der tic harvest moon, to the strains of an~ orchestra of renown, is one of the attractions promised by the. entertaililTent committee. Holiday Debutouute irrent Satunday, Septem1ber 2, is the date for the Collegiate Shag at the Westmorelànd country club. This dance Is planned especially for the younger members of the club and thein' guests, and will cater to the ra jitterbug element. A buffet dinner wîll be served at 7:30, and m'usic wîll be provided by Jimnmy Mac- Ken il- Pantland and his off -beat club ,or- Is Announced for faII FasIiion Show .A smoother and even more.finish- ed production' than its noteworthy. predecessors will be this yea?ýs style show of the- Winnetka board, for* the Northwesterùn University settlemnent, i f the board's expectations a re ful- filled., To bring this, about, théy, have added, an early rehearsal this season, asking ail the attractive yvoung* models to meet. at 10 o'clock Tbursdav morning, Septemnber.7, at Indian Hill club. Edw. Beck. di- rector, wilIl be there to put t he girls through, their paces, giving therni .many pointers on presenting the new costumes to the best advantage. At this time, he wilI select bis "lead- ing ladies" for the* great. event, scheduled for, September. 28. The board has asked the manne- quins to remaîn at the club after the reheparsal, for a lunclieon light enough to offer no threat to svelte figures. *Recently repainted, New Trier High school auditorium. with 'Its adi- vantageous seating and fine acous- tics, will be the bac kground for this year's show, complete plans : for w.,hich were nmade at an enthusiastic meeting o! ail cornrittee chairmen Tuesday morning at the home of the general chairrman, Mrs. Austin Jenner. Thrff Shop l'o Aid Ckurch Building Fund During the month o! September, the sales of the Thrift shop, 415%/ Fourth Ftreet, Wilmette, wiIl be ,for: the benefi1t of the building fund, of ,st. Francis Xavier church. The shop is operated'by the Woman's Catho-. lic Club of Wilmette to provide for various club charities. Mrs. P. J. Joyce, the manager of the shop, and Mrs. F. X. Thale, the chairrnan of t h e church building Mns. Carl J. Nylund of 1634 For- est avenue entertained Mr. and Mns. E. F. Ehman and their daugh- ter, Ca roline, at supper last Sunday night. veTsitlI settie7 S eptember 28. 120 izusower roûci. di ini the group of Northwestern Uni- ment style show er, an olc Ann wille Efigh schct as a fresliman..

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