reach in Manitowoc Seventy-six per cent of the 115 !stu-. ents who received the Bachelor of 'ducation degree from the National olege of Education last June, in- tuding one young woman from .Win- "ANSCHLUSS?" Editoif, WILMETTE Liws: Shame on Glencoe, Winneka, and Kenilworth for going back on their pledge to "No Man's Land"! So. the Wilmette protectorate has be- corne, i truth, Anschlussl It seems bu~t a short time ago that your cor- the esta tes on the North Shore who' annually compete wlih their amaz- ing blooms-all devotees of. beauty. of fiowers-have learned from the previous three Dahlia exhibitions sponsored by the Lake Forest Gar-. den club and the North Shore Dahlia, society that the annual dahlia show in Lakçe Forest is an> event of im- portance and an experlence to hé remernbered.