II Sagurday and Sunday Spécial BRICK FULQUART 35 Doub le Rich Molteds. ond Shakes Wiflm Fresh Fruit Flavors,: CONFECTIONURY juatFeust 1Bank Phne WiImff. 5353 sbould eccompany the young folks away from, home Special Rates Noue! Make an Eadly Appointinentl je De- TOLOFI Upper Left-Shirley Ann ,Johnson. (flerald & Examiner Photo> Upper right-Patricia (Patty) Berg. (Aeme Photo) fi Thesenationally known golf ers are to be featured in the second annual eighteen hole exhibition m atch for the benefit of the Hadley Corirespondence Sehool for the Blid, in Winnetka, to be played at the lndian Hill club, located on ,Ridge road, on&e block south of Winnetka' avenute, Sunday, September 3, at 2 o'clock. ~et "" 'r~The Misses Berg and Johson VeivFal Tilesat members of the W.W.G.A. aonsoAr- Report Erl Demand mour and Adamns, m-embers o h Vilmette Library Ilinois P.G.A., are donating their For Concert Tickets talent for this worthy cause, for. Early ticket reservations for thi Trhe Wil1mette public library is re- which the Indian Hill1 club is provid- North Shore series of five concert eiving many of the new Fail titles. igteueo t ore ihu scheduled this falaria wlnter in thi b i to nr nnftelfal wih wil hé, chargýe. Rarely is the publie aftnr-dd I1,-- " - -1 1 -M an'g istate IWhite- -Practical Problens isn Eco. Prestoi jSlate- IMS-FaCtorjes in the Field IHin- -ts gh14 scholé a.uditor- t tomobile Guide Dr.' and Mrs. Paul B. Bass of 21 15 ýSs Chestnut avenue will leave soon to 1 Gardens visit relatives ini New York. Theyr >wers will be gone for about two weeks.