Step lu Annexation, Benefits of municipal government will be extended to, No Man's Land, next Tuesday when Wilmette offi- cially 1>assumes' authority ,over .the triangular tract along Lake Michi-, gan, between that village and, Kenil- worth. Police -and fire protection will be granted by Tuesday, ýit *as an- nounced. EffectiveMonday Mie annexation, voted on Tuesda*y evening of last, week 'by the Wil- mette Village council, will. go into effeet1 next Monday when a copy of the ordinance of annexation togeth- er with a plat of the district are filed in the office of the recorder of deeds. ofCocok couinty. The village council, which will establish the village's policy with respect to the business establish- m3ents in the 23-acre territory, has flot made public its decisions. At present there are a nurnber of' amusement enterprises which are subject to license provisions of the village code. The district also cornes under the village's local op- tion prohibition ordinance. tion of tne annexatii mance t3y ltigation. 'Sorne tirne ago a. petition seeking the annexation was signed by à ma- jority of the business people o! the distr.ict. North Shore Students Get Degrees at N. U. August 24. 1939,I Coast Guard Cr ewis Battie 1Heavv Seaf To Aid Yachtsme n Th Wlre'tecost gua rds, under acting skipper, Albert J. Dlarneter.. , were, called out on Saturday in the heaviest seas they. have had this season,- to the assistance of ýa. cap- sized cornet ýsailboat. Arriving at the scene o! the acci- dent, they clscovexred that the "8ea Moon" belonging to Claude E. Smith o! Kenilworth with Smith and A. J. Graf, Jr., of Wilrnette, aboard,, had overturned, but the two men,, both about 20, had been picked-up by the -Warrior" a sloop owned by Victor C. Millikan, of Chicago. This' latter boat, with nine aboard, had been racing in the 8 meter class boat regatta. frorn Belmont Harbor to Waukegan. and in putting about tn Soloîs when the coast guards arrived, but the free open air concert in Iý suddenly The "Warrior's" rnast mette amphitheatre Wednesd broke, and it became necessary to evening, A u g u s t 30, at tow it ýback to BeIniont harbor. A o'clock. s.earch for the capsized "Sea Moon" proved fruitless ini the heavy seau, but it washed up on shore the fol- Dr. Allison to Preach lowing day, a mile, or so, north of Navy Pier,- Chicago, At United Services Later thalt vul- Zay 8.,15 D. &uison. Due to the fact that a great many people, have been away froin home and are juit now beginning to return fromn vacations, Justice of'the Peace George, F. Scherzer1 announces the extension of a. ten day period from the date set ouItin, former 'notic es sent te those delinquent n» the pay- ment of personal property taxes. The extension date is Septemb er. 15, and the additional cout of pro-, cesS service. wiil fot be added until that time, he explamed. He is con- aucting hearings on delinquent per- sonal property tax matters on Mon- days, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays of each week at the township offices, 5,61-A, Licoln -avenue, WilmEtka. Requires MoeoT1ine JMr. Scherzer said that owing te the vast arnrt of Information with which his office has been supplied by the assessor relative to persçnal property hoictwgs. botti tangiDie and intangible, the work of reviewmng each individual case in the matter ot ascertaining facts based on tbese records, requires much additional list of stocks and bonds Aeidby hlm in 1937; (2) a copy of his tederal incorne tax returzn lor the year 1937; (3) a copy o!f1Iis personai propert~y tax retura for the years o! 1935 te 1937. With this information, exempt securities caný be deducted at once fromn the assessment, and the amount of tax determiùned. Note : Economy Shop is conducted by the Wpnian'a Cub of WlIette. Proceeds are directed to philan- thr~opie purpales.,