Book Review Series The excellent talent secured t( present the reviews Ahe Womaný guild 'of the Wiltnette Parish Metho. dist wil sponsor, promiises boo loyers a treat in this early fal serieç %which will begin on September 15, and continue for, five consecutive Fridays at, 10 o'clock in the mhorn« ing. Theprograhis wil be given in the Great H~all of the. church. A record attendance is expected. Florence Bourke Ellis will give the first review and she needs no intro- duction for she has appeared before moost of the prominent clubs along the North, Shore and metropolitan area as well as principal. towns fin the Middle' West. Just now she is in Europe and will return with a fresh viewpoint, on international af- fairs. On September 22, Kathryn Turney Garten is being brought from Iindian- apofis for her'review Interpretative * portraits of historical personalities is the favorite in Mrs. Garten's large field of activities and she has lectured to radio audiences, univer- sity groups, and women's clubs in * nany states. The well known book critic and feature writer for the National Del- phian Society, Mrs. Olive B. James, will' appear on the mTorning of Sep,- mers wilIipresent a aramatic inter- pretation of one o! the popular play'a on October 6. Miss Summers is a delight in her recitals and is now engaged in radio work. Formerly she was a faculty member of the Northwestern 'schoolo! speech. Reviewing books is, rather i- dental in the busy life of our friendly Evanston neighbor, Kenneth Heran. Seis wuwh more interest0A iwrit- sv"Lvulialltritwnaaen wAin ne a Stwo-ball foursomne Sunday, August 27. Play wiU bc for the champion-, -ship, and for the 'trophy aý silver s plate, which- Mr. and Mrs. a rl, Zepp.of Winnetka wýon,.last year. and which each winning teanm may possess for one year. Tonight, (Thursday) brings an-ý other famnily buffet. s u p p er and gaines, andSaturday the last of the progressive bridge parties for this season will take place. Mrs. C. G. Bennett is in charge. Saturday nlght, is the occasion ofan informai dance Tuesday of-this week was the last. Ladies'- Guest day. The guests .Who highest honors were: Mrs. H. Straus of Lake Shore, firist low gross; Mrs. Dan Comstock of La Grange, sec- ond low gross; Mrs. F'rank Mueller of Exmoor, first low net; Mrs. L. L. Oakces otExmoor, second low. net;~ Mrs. William Reynolds of Exmoor, third low net: Mrs. J. S. Kearns, putting. -Members winning prizes were: Mrs. Courtney Reeves, first low net, and winner. of the W. W. G. A. Iow net event; Mrs. EarI Witt, sec- ond low net; Mrs. Lou Ingwersen, third kow net: Miss Virginia Pres- Auitumn Capers is the namè of the benefit which the Evanston Junior auxiliary of the Infant Welfare So- ciety of Chicago will sponsor in the Villa Moderne garden Saturday' September 16.. Mrs. Karl N. Zander of Evanston is general chairman of, the event, with Mrs. John O'Connor of Evans- ton co-chairman in charge of tick- .ets. MVrs. S. B. Riggs of Evanston and Mrs. Norman Waite of nrSi. Carlos Photo Mies Jeoem firtetme of Nrth-i brook haa re<centZy returned from New York where she has been serving as guest editor of a col- lege ecition of a Woman's maga- zine for young moderns. Mis Bartelme, one of thirteen girlIs chose», was the only represen- tative from the Middle West. She is pursur&g a ccreer of fashion Serves as Guest Edifor For College Girl Numbr. One of the thirteen girls chosen to, be guest editor o! the college num- ber o! a magazine for young mod- erns, was Miss Jean Bartelme of Northbrook. Ini addition to actually doing the work of planning and. x For New SeaSon The North Shore alumnae of Del- ta Gamma have an instructive and, entertainmg program outllned for :the coming .yeàr due to the efforts of Mrs.,.Wallace 'B. Behnke of Wil- Mette assisted by Mrs. Arthur Mar'- quette of Highland Park. Mrs. A., Morris Collins of Eva ns- ton wiil preside -as. president at the meetings begmnning i ÔéOtober witb aluncheon bridge at the chapter house: onthe Northwestern Campus. The November meeting, one of the year's highlights, will -be a lecture by 'Mis.s Eleanor Perkins of Evans- ton on her recent trip- to South Africa. Ibis meetingý will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert Linds- ley in Kenilworth. The Hlearthstone in Winnetka will be the meeting place in December, when members owilJ hear Don Robertson talk oni * Jamnaiea. One of the members, Mrs. Wallace Christopher o! Wilmette, wiIl give a play at the home of Mrs. K. E. . Armstrong in Evanston for the Jan- uary meeting. Mrs. George D.' Wheatley o! Evanston will open her home for the February meeting at which Dr. Robert Galt o! Northwest- ern university will speak. Another Evanstonian, Mrs. Bradley Wil- liams, will entertain in, March *when an interior .decorator from a -*' j.,ruie in Glencoe on "Plant Life and Patio Gardens in Mexico." Mrs. Jeannette Caskey of an antique shop wiIl talk on "Old Glass and China-* at the May meeting at the homne of Mrs. Albert Tippens in Lake Forest,. In June, for the final meeting of- the year. the members Will be. enter-, tajned 'at a. picnic. mal Bob McCoy, popular radio 'announ- anc cel-, was the week-end gi*est o! Mr. toi and Mrs. Charles W. Robb, 816'and Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette. dooi is one des in- ýe neW dance a E'uropean t thiseven inme to attenid. . this., évent, - ý in ý