nue, Lvanston. Tis festive occa- sion will 1be given on Wednesday, August 30, frorm 3 to 5 o'elock. Invitations are issued to onie hundred guests. Included in the list are Mrs. Julian G. Goodhue of Oak Park, the, chapter's honory regent; the, past regents; Mrs.* Edward H. Elwood, Fort Dearborn chapter'snewly elect- ed regent; the outgoing and incomn- ing. boards;and members of, the two Junior groups,- the Mountain School group, headed by Mrs. Len Ybung, Smith of Winnetka, and: the Page' group, headed by Miss Edith Guyton. A commrittee meeting of the ways and'means committee was icaIled by Mrs.: Herbert Ewing, chairman for Wednesday, August 23, at 2 -in A-he afternoon, in her apartment in. the Evanston hotel to lay more, plans for the Fort Deairborn benefit bridge party, which wili be on the afternoon of September 22, at the Woman's Club of Evanston. AssistingMrs. Ewrg In theè part3y arrangements are Mrs. Earl« J. Cooper, Mrs. William. N. Andrews, Chi Omega Mother's Club Arranges. FailActivty The Chi Omega Mothers'. club 1of Northwestern univers ity is now com- mnencing its faîl activities. A. con-: plete program of lu ncheons, > teas, and bridge parties. has been arran- ged a nd ail memibers.of theactive thapter and 'the alumnae are in- vited te enjoy the coming -season's. social' functions. This year's presi- dent is Mirs. L. H. Vogel, and Mrs. Perry, B. Brelin is publicit:y chair- man. Mrs., W. F. Black and her daugh- ter, Mrs.> F. W. Allen, both of San Francisco, recently returned to their home in California atter a six-week visit with Mrs. rBk's o e daughter, Mrs. Herbert J. Schmitz of Kenilworth. _:. AIR CONDITIONED for COMFORTABLE SHIOPPING OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS until 9 O'CLOCK suede with match ing calt-you can ci college built-up leather heels. EDGAR A. STEVENS, Imc. cuban, or 691 '1 a new depa riment devoteci entirely to. underweer. for. new. 4a season costumes They fit lhke à glový, desgned to give you trim, smooth fit with absotufe freedom of movement and perfect com- fort-made of excellent long wearing fab- Evanston EDPGAR A. STEVENS. mc. Easo