over the Labor Day holidays it is an- nounced. Called by Bishop Ernest Lynn Wal- dorf of Wilmette, head of the Meth- odist church ini theChicago area, the retreat wîllbe the fourth.annual for the. conference and advance. regis- trations inidicate that more than 500 will attend. The retreat. will open with the ".Bishop's çinner?.7Friday evening, September 1, and will con- tinue through the noon dinner hour Sunday. September 3. This year, the youth groups, of the church will- have a special part in the, retreat program and have .cho- s5en ".'Resources forChristian Living Often Overlooked" for the themeý of their ail-day meeting on Sat.urday. Discugss New" Church "The New Methodist Church," con- sidered from the vietNpoinits of var- Jous. church 'groups. will be the theme of the retreat's opening ses- sion on. Eriday evening. Dow Ban- c -roft, direetor of the new Board of, Lay Activities. will speak for the Iaymen: the Rev. Gien Gothard, pas- to)r of the Monroe Center church * nearý Rockford, for the young peo- pie. and Dr. Horace G. Smith. presi- dent, of Garrett Biblical Institute. from the pastor's point of view. Bishop Waldorf wilI sum . "p their points in hîs discussion of "This Re- treat as a Spiritual Preparation for teNew Church." q¶B SILVER FOX NEVE MOItE -FIASHEIONANILE NEVER, MORE. FLATTEBENG ais A: .1i jeIL, Ine P Li o iner1o1 y --ipi7j.q.î l. Speakers will be the, Rev. J. H. Uhlinger. pastor at Rock Falls; the Rev. L. L. Hanimitt, pastor of the First Methodîst church. Aurora,. and the Rev. J. H. Durand, pastor of Calvàry church, Chicago. Women Have Program, -The women's program will open with a sunrise prayer meeting at 7: 15 o'clock, conducted by Mrs. A. C. Crawford of the Trinity church, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pi the Ulniversity of Chicagoe week-end with Mrs. Pitchq ent.si,Mr. and Mrs. Mairtin hamn of 429 X4inth street. WOMEN'S SHOP*Shaermuan ad Caurch - EVANSTON