Smust arrange for1 modations b e for e 1939, according toi Tue Big White noee outhl Of No Man's Land Menmu. for Sunday, August 211h Fresh Shrimp Cocktaii Supreme Ancho'vy Canape, Deviiled Eggs. Canap e iue Chilled Tomnato Grapefruit or Pineap-e uice California Fruit Cu with Sherbet Top Csome Julienne Asgorted Relishes Broiled Lake Superlor White, Fieh, SMaitre de Hôtel. 90e Fresh Caught Wilmette Harbor Fried Perch with Lemon Butter,, 85e * Combination Sea Shore Dinner Broiled Lobster Tail with Melted Butter-Deep Fried Scalkps and Shrlmp with Perch Fried in But- ~ter and Tear Sauce, $1.15 Our Own Special Fried Chicken Served in a Gleaming Bottomless Skillet. eat ail you want, $1.15 Prime Roast Ribs of Native Beef. au jus, $1.00 Broiled Sweetbreads with Fresh lWushrooms and Bacon. 90e Chieken a la King and Fresh Mushrooyns in a Patty Sheli, 90e Broiled extra cut Loin Lamb Cbops with Fresh Mint Sauce, 9oe Broiled Beef Tenderloin Steak with Fresh Mushroomn Caps. $1.0 Broiled Extra Cut T-Bone Steak. Maître de Hotel. $1.35 Oran~ge $'erbet Creaniy WhiPPed Pptatoes ParsleY >New Potatoes Potatoes Parisienne Fresh Cauliflower Hollandaise New Peas in Butter Orange and Grapefruit Salad with Cream Cheese Combina tion Salad DESSERTS Baked Alaska Devil' Food Cake Lemon -Chiffon or Dutch Apple Pie Toasted Pecan Ice Creami Brownîe Square a la mode, Fregh Strawberry Shortcake Chocolate icebox Cake' Butterscotch or Caramel Nut'Sundae Chocolate Parfait M (elonBailCup tion with the Gdynia Arnerica lune and the United Sta tes uines. They allow visits to Europe either in ad- vance. Of or following the dames, and.,severail include the famous PaIs-ý sion Play' staged every ten years at: Oberan-mer. The Pointer, keen of nase and ear, Is seen most alwaysfrom the rea,, He rarely barks~, /e's seldom heard, Bu, sitent, he gives you the bird. e e e And we "point,> with pride- to IDEAL. the "7-Course Mfeal' , which is setting new success records everywhere. IDEAL is a eomplete, wholesome food. A scientific coembination of 7proved.ingredients super- chargecl wlti food value, naural vitamins and appetizing flavor. lt's ideal for al dogs-a satisfying solution to your feed- ing p*roblem FREE gift catalog at your favorite.st0Te7 Saturday, of this. week: is the time of return of these groups of camper*s whohave been erijoyin g an outing at Holiday, Campus. Hackensack.-,Minn. In the larger picture. are residents of Win- netka, Kenilwvorth and Wilmette. Froffi left to right they are, (in the flrst row) Anita Turck of Wil- imette. Polly Plummer of Kenil- worth. and Marv Stewart Gallo- I way and Nick flerglund of Win- netka. The back row of campers are all W inetkans. lroin left tn right being Louise Konsberg, Pa- mela Watson, June Woolson, Miss Mary Farnum. director ofthe camps, Nancy Brock. Eugenia Lydne. Mrs. A. O. Berglund. and Mr. flerglund. A group of Glencoe residents 'Sj coe teacher). Miss Farnum (direc- in the snialler picture. From left tor). Millicent Grant: (seated) Joani to right (standing) are: Anna Spaul- Weisberg, Beverly Cannon. and ding. Miss Frances Lethlean 1GIln- Mary Freiler. VACATION IN SOUTHWESTI B ob Kay. Jack Lechner, Bill Ker- Art., Science Centers win, and JHoward Beinwald, ail of Snsnor Chicago Tours~ Wilmette. are on a vacation trip in T hcgoMsu Tus'm the southwest. They drové to Çolo-jTe hca.Msen Tusoi radoS dflever nd jenmittee, in coojperation with vaiu rdSprings and enertra h n s wenton t se thefa-j inCalio ransportation systems into Chicago. They will go to Mexico on their way ý 's sonsoring threè kinds of tours of home, and expect to be in Wilinette ail the museums in Chicago. by Labor day, Two one-day tours and one two-day _________tour_ have been planned and. the, itineraries printed. TAKE MOTOR TRIP A handsome fully illustra ted book- Elsie Paterson, 1625 Central ave-,let is now available explaining the nue, and Gertrude Heidtke of Evans- great advantages to vis itors who ton returned last week from a five- joi these tours. For a very moder- day motor. trip~ through ýate sai f on. the two.dav -tounr the The offic Mrs. Sydney J. Montgomnery of Fred G. Kansas City, Mo., is visiting ber son- district, el in-law and daughter,' Mr. and Mrs. ey. Museu George Moynahan of 16M0 Elmwood try, treaus aven~ue.. She will stay untîl the end hamn, The ILLINOIS 1o thtje week. ."tr. nmittee are: licago Park n A. Maloii- Sand IndU3. er B. Brida-' of Chicago. Ait" s re,È'- IC