,,uis a4 2939;- 1 IL -X X 4l, thr ar nein' o tp-'ts * jtt- ir ri s '-#r' of~- - tt talk and~ works to mre~r advanced on the student's ow*I tpt0blrns. has t*een proved beeica to petrsns when, universally practicsd is, r1ght, that whatever has been proved detri- m)ental is wrong. This rinciple is a good one for students to take hold of. Hie tells themn that the attitudes they are assumning in college are the atti- tudes they will hold through life. He describes 200 case histories of men he knew in college. Ail but nine of. the 200ý have turned out eXactly as' their college personalities would in- dicate. He intimates .that in Ide af- ter deatbh these attitudes will still. persist. For: anyone interested in delving into the -best religious: thought of our day"Dad" Elliott recomrnends faith";- Heim and "nhe Church and A Our 'Problems of Today" ; and Visser t'Hfooft:and "Nonie Other Gods." The thiniking of these three -writers is based on that of a great Danish theologian of 100 yjears ago, Soren kierkegaard, whose works are now being translated into English. One of these books, -Purity* of Heart," was reposing on his desk during the inter- view. £vidence of the -prestige tof "D)a-d Elliott mnay be seen in certain trib- utes. He is the second layman ever to have been ordained by the Chicagoe Presbytery. When he retired, hun-le dreds of letters were sent hlm by friends and admirers.. More than 200 of these from ail parts of the world were bound in a volume and pre- sented to him by the Y.M.C.A. In ul 1938 he was granted a D.D. from Park college. o S ufe Expresses Guiding Principle In conclusion, his guiding pririciple miight be said to be expressed ini his 11 ~ ' A P closing comment of his antiual re- port for 1939: "Thé tires o! a sane,, Christian evangelism must be kmn- dled within Christian organizations that have become sterile and no longer have vitalizing spiritual pow- er. It seems to me that the challenge is to return to a teaching of the roots of Our Christian religion, from which w'Ill spring a truly Christian civili- zation and the bringing in of the king-' -dom o! God on earth." Personality is based on -mercy, au -grace, and truth, "Dad" Elliott be- Ti, IamQu IjvM te s lieves. And Jesus was the huma- Th -- u liym trs form of God's personality, lie bc-, that wjiI cradlIe yoii m, sizüsh luxrious12 1aÀ lieves. Personality is thie highestco fr syieI2Igdfry* expression of one'sdevotion to God, cm r syuv ogdfo -e he thinks. Therefore spirit and ex- PRICRI. so that you save $12.65 if 7011 I s v ua n o *a. ample are the manifestations of the e sron zU 8R m e. e a s Christian personality. In these terms U REO TI SAEC SS he himself, serves as an inspiration beatiftai maitress, wonderfiuIy madeo to those wjio think that the spirit oft sacrifice and of truth slioi4d persâst Wer roud 1<> tll you how GREAT ina world Uxat has - great nee3 oft A VALE o rciv 74e sm stand- Chiristian virtues.t 4of ha » fx$& #, ~QA1rJ of t, ty tha sel#Y#è $42.50 the Mr.andMrs H. C. Constabe, 212 Sevc -tip J, t t p t- :Chestnut avne W itpme tetn nonc thet engge-n of th-i t-U t-EM C pUI* F O daug~ter,t M*artha Contable Bollen- Dr. and Mr&. AIvah L. Newcomb<>U ~ fg fti and son, Michael,' 430 Eighth street, 4*/tjI ltiest esta ford PNoire, Wi.a