Maj. Paul H. Morris, manager; Ca Pt. Cary B. Hu tchinson, secretary- treaspirer, and the other officers. who comprise the show committtee,:have arranged a.record number of clas s- es. totaling 41, in addition to'spec- tacular military, exhibitions and oth-' er special features. Prominent among the' entries for the spirited competition- in the Fort Sherida horse show ring are Denisoh B. Hull of Winnietka, whose hutiters * uuy aiteh' rnuu at FrtnSheridan, witn the Onwentsîa club teamn meetUng the; Army players. The. contest will, start ,at 3:30: p.m., and wiIl mark the climax pf the season at Fort Sheridan. Due. to the horse- show, a week from Sunday there will be no Polo match, on th at day. Bothteams will naine. their most formidable lineupe. for Sunday's polo duel and, a real battle is in prospect for the fans. I j Y Y f I 4 I ¼fi~ z 1~ Y ni- PreSut~by JlCMrOIe Wiebotd aJI ott 3-p a PO ar e ~t 0' i // ..boor' f au faâbloa"' ~~~~~~o goa I' bse daiy BbA The A.Ivisory Iloard wil l e in our store Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. to advise you on what wiJl be simartest this fali on your campus. Mfrem bers of theBoard are: Jane Pritchard Barbara Currey Evanaton Township -WJEDOLIJI?"S 'Davis Street, Evauston Conteat Starta Thursdmy, Augiuat 24 and Closes 9 p.m. Saturdayi, Sept em ber 9 III V.*11 ilSpeiad M»ourS j,.se Gloria Leinemiger Audrey Coliard Senn H*igh Sch<ol ili