Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Aug 1939, 10-11

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5uIur 4nnec* sevies aU8me ristl 1.111'yu- gregational Church continue 'on Sunday mornlng at Il o'cloclc. brs. Eeulah Cas- Dr. Armift G. Weng,. iresldegit of the ler Edwards again bascharge of the Ilinois Synod ofthte United Lutheran musical background with Miss Moran at church, will le fthc speaker on the, Co-, the. console. Dlr. Allison continues bis lumbia Chureli of the Air next Sunday Interestig series of sermnson7he mornlng. The broadcast will be at 9 ar. Oef QedsIons Of the ibe. !wth, a DaYllght Savlig time, over Station m sage orthet hem "1t hlIDo WBBMg to BeSaved" -. nroflments are now beihg received Plans for Reopenlng Day on: Septem- for next year's Confirmation clase., The ber 10 are taking shape. Sunday- sébool. f'rst' session of the class wii be held lncluding the Aduit clasa Will reconvene., Sunday morning, September 17, during and wew-il retuîu to our own sanctuary the Churcli scbool hour. The pastor willl for public -Worshlp. Tiiere are s'Illî mev- be glad to confer with those interested eral vacancies on the, staff of church ln enrolllng ln the classL seboeil teachers. and volunteers will be appreciafed. The ineomplefe budget of1 The- commlttee ln charge Of the. spe- the new yearwlll be, compieted, if the clal * 's e r v i c.e of, Thanksglving. and rspns toou comîee s 'enros.Prailse" to'-be held Sunday ,afternoon, A fine spirit marks the officers, an iid September21, a 8wlll meethrsday eve workers as ýwe look to fthc new scasun. ngA ut21atBolokattehuc. corne to the Priendly Chu;rch wherc On Frlday. August 25, the. last of the the Way is made Plain. summer hmcbeons of our Wornans so.. ciety will be hcld at the home of. Mrs. Chiarles EB. Thompson, 961 Bluff madl, Methodist Church Glencoèi. These have been well-attcnded Wlet vnea aeaeu vaain have.p si ocl uigtErsklne M. Jeffords, minister Vacaton fnie.Dr. Elmer E. Helms will preach in tis pulpit again Sunday morning, Au- Wi eta ibe hUeh gsts27at the flirniing worsitp serv*~ Winwetn oew tîs hped hat a large congregation 886 Elm street, Winnetka will be ini attrridanee fo hear his mes- Howard A. Hermansen, minister sage - "The Gospel According to Christ's Enemnies." Dr. Helms is a well-known SUNDAY, AUGUST 27 preaclier and writer, and was our ad 9:45 a.m. - Bible school hour i iflerim pastor last year. Invite your Il a.n. -Preachlng service. Studies friends and neighbors. The service be- i Ephesians-Pastor Ilermanseii gins with thec Organ Prelude at 10:50 ,5 p.m. - Combined service of the Bible O' dock. Feflowship group andi Chritian Crusa- ders. The meeting will bc led by the The nmusic for the worship service pastor. next Sunday mornin ilîl be as folloý%vs: 7:45 p.m. - Gospel singing and mes- Rorgan <10:50..Vauha):ili sage by the pastor. Do you enjoy hearty, Roymde . aganWlims iiiformol congregational singlng of the "Up the Saguenay". ............ Russell old hymns and gospel' songs? Corne and Sol Marie Briel inour Suuclay eveiig group. licar ,Soo:"oc o Ag snîith......Rrnc Îenew liaarnnond Cathedral Organ. C.rgan OffSrtohy: i"The Swan".............. Saint-Saes TRURS»AY, AVGUST 3 Organ Postlude: 7:5p.t. - idweek service of praise, "St. Annes Fugue" ............. Bach prayer and Bible study. 'hf etSna Thea psilon Rho will etSna evening at the church at 6 .o'clock. Ail Firat Congregational young people of college age or over are cordially invited to 'etheir gucats. if Wilmetfe and Lake avenues you know of anyone who would like JO Rev. John G. Hindley, minister participate in the activities of. this On imdy ornngaf l 'cI~kthere 'group, plcase eaul Miss Mildred Fa re, will be our nlnth united service with the Wimîe25,o letAkrmen Baptlst cliurcb, andi the fourth of flhc Jr., Wilmette. 3357. series in our church edifice. Dr. George D_ A1ison nt,nintus.a his "flat ues.---------------. .- fions of thec Bible" wlth the theme -W! Must I Do te Be Saved?" Mrs. Beui Casler Edwards will be the soioist. tr owvn "Vesper rocessional" ........ aul Solo: -My Task" ........ .Ashfordý Pastoral services may be arranged Mr. Otis for through the Clerk of Session, Dr. Solo: "Hear My Cry, 0 Lord".... .Wooler Harold S. Condit, 614 Laurel avenue. Mr. Otis Notices should be sent or phoned to Organ Postinde bErs. William R. Morri son, 2032 High.- "Doiia Nobis Pacem',....... .Mozart land avenue, Wlmette 4071. iflere :Are Fa cts and Figre's on... What RéalIy Causes Accidents What causes traffic> accidents? Everyone has a. pet theory, of course, and the variëty of these the- ories. is as great as the problein itself. But the National Safetyr council, ini the 1939 edition of its statisticai yearbook, ."Accident Facts," 'pre- sents an analysis of the problemn that is based on cold facts and fIg- tires. Speedlng "'Greatest Sïn" According to the records, the ~gréatest'single driv1n~g sin 19s eeêd- ing - listed in the officiai sum- maries of fatal accidents through- out the country as "exceeding the speed limit" or "too' fast for condi- tions." Nineteen' per' cent. of ail drivers involved in fatal accidents in 1938 were speeding, the council's figures show. In sorne states this percent- age .was as high as 51 per cent, in others as low as 2 per cent. Other driving violations in 1938 fatal accidents, ini the order of their importance, wer~e: Drivirig on the wrong side of the road .............. 8per cent Violated i rght of way... 5per cent Imnproper passing........ 2 per cent Disregard of stop sign ...2 per cent MostIy Law Violatons The couneil's statistics show that about hall of the drivers invoived in fatal accidents violate the law or good driving practice.' Since 'many accidents invoive two vehicles, there probably is a violation by one driver or the other in more than 60 per cent of ail fatal accidents. trians involvcd ln accidents wcre thor- oughly exaniined for phvsilcal deficieies. LACK 0F ,KNOWI)GE OR SKILL- Many of these violations of law and good dirivlng practice, tle. Council la c.onvlnced frota a study of thec records, stem frorn ignorance of Uic law and thé absence of adequate driver training. Many chldren arc struck down because they have neyer been taught the dangers of street play. Older :persons, too, do. dangèeus thinks becausetheir judgment is poor on distances,' speeds and other fraffic conditions. IMPROPER AT'TYTD-Mnnv drivers who arc neither physically defective nor ignorant of traffic rules have accidents 'tbtéauge fliey re nôl suficieihtTy con- ccrned to avoid themn. Thev day dreain. take chances, ienrethelie lhts of other drivers and pedestrians. or hpcomne ner- Vous and excitable aitheli slightest provo- cation. In other words, whlle they do flot realIy. want to have an- accident. neither do. they sufficiently want not to.haveione., Vehicles Responsible? 1 And how much are vehicles and hi-ahways responsibie' for accidents? Offiial sumnmaries for 1938 show oniy 7 per cent of the motor 'vehi- dèes in fatal accidents to bedefec- tive. However, the couricil believes that a tho'rough*investieition of. al accidents probably wouid increase this figure .- perhaps double it. As for the highway, defects in roa'dway surfaces were reported in oniy 4 per cent of ail 1938 fatal ac- cidents, the 'council says. It points out, however, that there are other highway characteristics, the correc- tion of which would lessen the possi- bility of accidents. These include obstructions to, driver's view, iack of, suitabie signs and signais, and iriadequacy of the street for the traf- fie volume.. What AMifRICAN FAMOLY FLAKES . 1 i rMCER GUARANTE ED CHERRYVALLEY. PfTZED M A C SPAGHETTI' Dimmer PJCG. ARGO GLOSS Starh...ffl K~G. GOLD MEDAL Oahnup BOT.lU MA BOWNASST. SUNSHINE KRISPY- Crakers P.1 KG. 15 Ja. RASBYJAR 17e GREAT WESTrERN DE£t Sua .. ..... .11sB. 45e MmiwaII fouse-Chas. &Sanhorn Coffea<OR DEL ..I-LB.25e FINE COFFEE NUis Ire....... ....... CN49c 31 ,NGE . " -- jc 5p~19C. KEN-L-RATION DOG OOD ,a 25c -Se dure te tcku at this low=de ; fin. for teanptn s DROMEDAgY BIG A NS- OtapO4Ul25- BIG NO. 2%~ CAN CANS . . .........2 *-,25 C or - - -Big 2-lb. or .... ..... jar 21< 2.oz. q can .... ........ 3 s14c St..kLb. STANDING CHOICE Cu", RastU NBCK CUTS LB. CHOICEL. CUTS LB pCINTSR un SL IC I39C [lu SMALL s jMr. and lWrs.1 of Wilmette annoi l he»' daughter, IM JAugust 8, :at the Chuarcl sehool convenes at 9:30 o'clock il o'clock, the' guestAtth mr in o auxt Sunday m.orning. T7here are classes the Rev.,Henry. Iffie of, ice me a rrivai lof rgaret Ueien,, on vanston bospital. M-MM u A

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