Chicago Ave., iir. Main Street. 171LTNl5-ltp DMNMGBoom suit, 1'Trn CENTURY Walout. 'Table. wlth 10 &t'extension and'leaves. 6 chairs and buffet. Reason- .ably, prieed. Cail Wllmette W4. 17IL15-tp LIVING, DINING;.BEDROOM FURNI- treCa ptnrugs., Géneral igec. refri. nivesa-1 gas range.,<6 burners. Mi8c, pleces. Cali ves., or Saturday, 849 Wiliow r. WInn. 54. 171LTN15-ltp ON£ WALNUT, ROUND 'r3LE, DVI- ing rom set;. 1 bedroom set, highboy, vanlty and Maple desk and vfarous other houçehold -articles. Phone Wilmette 3617. 17lLTN15-litp SERVELELECTrROLUX REFRIGERA- to.Porch glider,. yard furniture. Cbests,, chairs, and mise. pieces fur- niture. Very reasonable. Wnnetka 3859. 1'ZlLTNl5-tp T1WIN SIMMONS BEDS AND DRESSER. rnALN.UTI- lMoEESET Misc. FOR SALE: ýFURNITURE, RUGS AND C misc. household equipmnent. Saturday pià and Sunday. 1030 Hubbard Lane, Hub-w. bard Woodsý W4nnetka 990.Sh ready is attracting a large ciien- tele. JIeuully Decorated The Làndmark has been com- pletely redecorated and conitains two spacious dining rooms and a de- lightful glassed-ln porch. One room has, been done in modern' adaptation of. French provencal motif, and another. pre sents a most pleasing .marine atmosphere. The porchý is dis'tincitve f o r . unique lighting et- fects, and is patticularly delightful at this season sinêe its* location catches the coollng'lake breezes. The Landmark places emfphasis upon good, substantial fa 'mîly din- ners, with special courses suited to the chiidrenIs tastes and requgire- ments. 3ffers "Big Four" courses that are rapidly ~the talk of the Northr lude the followig appro- ýermed "Bîg Four": ffried chieken, plus Dixieland 5. Scornfritters (the perch on the ;t three hours out of the cool Lake Michigan off Wilmette dinner (everything, says Mr. it the seaweed). ,but flot least, planked steak etrimmiflgs. ýly priced, luncheons are, an-. to report for the opening practice September 10 In bis , letter, Coachi Waldorf ur ge d ever y member'of the, squad to be- gin -conditioning drills so that they would be i top physical shape for the first *workout. T he folowing CohWldf play ers have CahW11r. been invited back. for the- opèning practice: Quarterbacks--Ted Anastos, Sanford Skor and Jerry Saperston, Chicago; Ash- ley Arnold, Kalamazoo, .Mîch.; Nxick, Con- teas, Waukegafl; Dick Erdlitz, Oshkosh, George P p pas, Crystal City, Mo.-, Dlck Richards, Sioux Fais, S. D.; Jack Ryan, Milwaukee. *!!bk-~WtlmIm de Correvont* Don' Kruger, Erwin Macisen, Elimer Sahlin, Reynold Soukup, Chicago, Oliver Hahn- enstein, Aurora, Ill., Roland Ortmayer, Glendive, Mont.; Paul Super, and Ira Kepford, Muskegon, Mich.; Floyd Chain- bers, Sait Lake City, Utah; Iggy Mesec. Waukegan, nI. Fullbacks-Taxes Furlong and George McGurn, Chicago-, George Benson, Hamn- mond. Ind.; Don Clawson, Kankakce. nI.;. Frantcis Purtel. Milwaukee, Wis.; Harry Wherry, Sabetha, Kansas. Mr. G.ardner willnenaa elega- tion of friends of County Commis- sioner Erickson (Evanston) when they assemble at the Pickwick Golf, club in Glenview,,Ior an ahl-day out- ing of golf, amusements, dinner and ref.reshments, music and dancing, and floor show entertainment. Golf facilities and the. two 18-hole courses at Ptckwick club have been a rranged for the thousands. of 'visi- tors that are expected to. throng the grounds during the annual event. Hundreds of awards, both for, golf and other events, will be made be- fore the. beglnning of the elaborate entertainment planned for the, evý ning program. Judge Harry H. Porter, chief jus- tice of the Evanston municipal court is chairman of the outing which was inaugurated several years ago as a gathering If or Eanston precinet committeemen but which grew into a general get-together for ail frieinds of Conimissioner Erickson from al parts of Cook county. For gueste who do not play golf, horseshoe pitching, softball, and oth. er events have been arranged, by the programn committee. Universal Offers New MAHOG. -BEDRM. SET, 2 BAD -.iets. imail 6-sided mahog smal buffet. stair carpet, porc ture. Cali Glencoe 1226. 171L LAWN TABLES--CLOSEOI 42 inch diameter. Ail steel. $1 $3,50 each. PAVLIK B ROS. WORTH 5612. o.* 1'171L and -'4. sery are looming, and snould pro- duce cotton if summer remains a little longer. Garden enthusiasts, it is announced, are always welcomhe to call and see these plants, at any time. Cotton, it is pointed out, should be a useful riovelty for that hot, dry spot i the back yard. quirements orUJ.L11Utor car travelers away from home lias been offered to its time payment customers by tUni- versal Crédit Company, it was an- nounced today by Ernest Kanzler, président iDetroit. The plan is available, oly through Ford, Mercury and Lincoln-Zéphyr dealers, Mr. Kanzler said, and is intended to benefit particularly thou- sands of their customers who travel by automobile extensively or who spend, their vacation periods in ntrY club A dinner- 1activities. golfing at hursday of rnaxed the d local. 'ciay's j