Rt«,.5 enhts a ie. Advertisermets run lnauai three papera. mINmmum CHIARGE ONE »OLLAIX. Average of flve words ti te Une. No blackface type used. 1%discOuat On ail cash advertsemets wben brought to our office at 1232 Cetral Ave., Wflhette; 5M4 Lincoln Avé., Wapetka, or MU Park Ave., Glencoe. 10% ieomt On all advertisements run four con- secutive Issues. ýDeu4line or InerUjon ýassild advertisements'wU aça- cected.uP o Tèsd 9 P, 3. for WILEz=EcLTE or ail three pate &dnesLay 9 P.M. fo WN RrA TM. C and tkua y i 5 P. M. for GLENCON NEWS. elpones: Wlliette 4300, Wl ~ Wnnetka 200<M'ek 0>after -6 P. M.),.Gieeneaf 43009 rShl drake 1216-1217.,Gor hl 97 .H*OELP'WANTltgl-WOMXN SEEý BAKER FOR BETTER JOBS Cooks-$18.$20. General ýjo)bs, $124$18. 2nd jobs, $15., nur-se jobs,.$15., 50 Jobs- For Girls COUPLES 1 aduit,, $125; 2 aduits, $135 3,aduits, $125; 2 adults, -$120 Others, $100 and up, We have what we advertise SHORLINE EMPLOYMENT AGENÎCY 746 Elm st., Winn. _____________________97LTNl5-ltc 105FOR UALE-AUitcOOIL" FORDV-8- TDORSEDIAN, 1936. RADIO AND HEATER.- GOOD BUY. Call Winetka 1,719 893 Elm Street 105LI5..ltp 7FORD '36,DELUX CUP Exc. motor, tires andCapPEne Stewart heater. Price low. >Must seli. WINNETKA 4099 1O5LTNià.ltp 1935 FORD ýCOUTPE.e IN GOOD) CONDI. tion. Real buy. $200* cash. 10 mcGov- ern St.', Highland Park. XO5LTN15-ltp 113 DOATS & OUTUOARD OTONS» tors at $1.00Ô per daY. Pavlik Bros. genilworth 5672. 13LTN13-4tp lie FOR RENT-Roome Roomn for Couple or 2 Men BOARD OR -RiTeR1EN PRIVILEGES OPTIONAL. WINNËTI<CA 1486 * 116LTN15-ltp Pleasant Clean Room ON FIRST FLOOR. NEAR TRANSPc»R. tat4on. Cail Winnetka 3099, 2 BLOCKS SOUTH 0F HOWARD Out of 30.-leases expirations'we are reniewîng leases with ail but the follow. ing: 3'/2 roomns- living rm. l1ýx20--$60.$165 4 roorns- living rm. 171,Çx20-$75*$5, 5roonis -living rn. i1,x2.-$5.$gb YES, this building is the white terra cotta building with the beautiful sunken garden. The ap~arnents are Most îunal. Sun-- ny,, airy, spaclous and artistie. Every convenience., Large roonis. casernent windows, canvased walls, fireplace, z! colored tile bath. Unusual closet and cupboard space, dishwashers, exhaust fans. New table top stoves. Free gas and refrigeration. Club Facilities 25x60 foot swirnming pool Pîng Pong and Golf Roonis RESIDENT MANAGER ON PREMISES aPriaVe . reu iaeece wthout -the care. GaraRge and. elevator atteUdants, hand- ball court aadl recreation room. McGUIRE & ORR',Inc. 530. Davis St.,.Ean.rre. 100, MI. 8 138LTS-lte BEAUTIFUL LINDEN 'CftEST., LDàG. near lake anid "L.P" DELUXE 4 RM. APT. ACROSS THE FRO)N T 0F AN ENTIRE WING., -2 AND 3V2 RhI. APARTMENTS ALSO A 4 RM. ApT. FURNISHED Ail have new. G.E. refrigs. Mag leCchef stoves and tMe baths. KROLL AND SMITH,. AGENTS 424 Lnden Ave. Wilmnette 500 128LTN154tp