outlin ing the YvuIl F L%../ftL/Z %.oiiege. DlUp MAJOR REQUIREMENTS Mary Juffon, University cof Ilinois '39, wko, is, our CQIege Advisor , knows jusf w*haf-you wanf and wken 'you'il wear if. SeI know if your scitool1 pushes ifs sweater sleeves, . p fol ftl* elbows o r wears ribbons in ifs c'uis. You can'f' sfump her! Corne in and consuif ber! Second FI<wr j. à .. ... ... Right; Off te do some week-end gadding in a suit so trickily buttoned up flhe front. Yôull stfi-f ouf in fthe morning and wind up for tea danc- ing- stili perfectly dressedi 10.95 Petite Sizes 9 fo 17 . . ....... Above: Pile into the car and be off for the game in this tweed reefer thai fits so flaw- I.ssly. Dashing in ils polt.rn -ye*t the colors are so ffiuted, they seem to glowl 15,;0 k Above: Pretty clannisb in your campus vewpoint.when you're .Sportswear-Second Floor ,.-.,Oo