ers andl in spectacular events, it is pointed out. There will be music by two mass- ed bands. One of these, of 1,700 musicians, will be made Up by thirty- f ive bands, that are ini competition for honors in the -final. contests. The. other,' of l1,000 boys. and* girls, wil be recruited fromn the bands, of Chi- cago high 'schools.. Chorus.of 3,500 Voices There wil be gre at choruses. The festival Reunion chorus of 3,500 voices under the, direction.-of Noble Cain, will include thiree others. This army of singers wiIl perform the "'Halleluj ah," the. magnificent hymn of praise from Handel's "Mossiah." The other three choruses include 1.000 Negro voices under.the direc- tion of J. Wesley Jones, noted color-: ed director; ail the competingý choruses of the festival, and the cele- brated Illinois. Rural chorus of 500 voices from the University of Illinois to b. directed. by Lanson. F. Dern- mîng. Its members corne from 23 countries. Square Dance Pageant The great spectacle o! this year's ,show will be a square dance pageant tc be presented by 1,000 persons, di- rected by R. U. Nelson o! the Chi- cago Park district. Lively music will accompany the old time dances, played by the Festival Symphony or- chestra under the direction of Henry Weber. Philip Maxwell, the festival director, will be. master of cere- monies.: Andi the thousands in the specta- tors' seats will have a part ini the show when thé momeint arrives for > ommunity smnging. It may be the darkiness, it may be the thrill of the setting-but everybody sings. Now for the stellar attractions. John Carter, of the Metropolitan Opera company will be the great namne star. His voice became known, to millions last summer when he sang on the Charley McCarthy radio program, replacing Nelson Eddy, temporarily. Marjorie Fari-age, English so- prano,- wiUliIV to Chicago f,-om Londlon, this week to participate as a soloist' ni the Chicagoland Music Festival Saturdav, Auguat 19. Miss Far-rage was chosen. from among hundreds of com- pet itor.s in a contest conducted b~y the London Daily Sketch. <Music That Làives I Latest Recordings of Music You Like J By Katharine Nau As a rule any composition that is a distinct departure from accept- ed !orm is either "viewed with alarm," because of the difficulty to understand . t, by the conserva- tives, or "pointed to with .pride" by. the musical letists maily because o! that departure !rom accepted style. Peter and the Wolf, by Serge Pro- kofieif,. recorded for Victor by Serge Koussevitsky. and the Boston Sym- phony orchestra, though unusual in its presentation, will satisfy both factions; the conservatives, because. of its lyrical beauty (the "Peter" theme being one of the loveliest femaàle voice'for an appearanc this season. Get St age Auditions Candidates will be given stage au- ditions, which wil. begini about the latter part. o! September and will close two weeks before the Chicago opera. season opens, on October 28. Applicants wil be ýr.eqUiired to sing an operatic -aria of their own choice, and% will be called in for several hearings before the final judgtng. is made. No limit is placed on the number o! voices to be heard but a very hiigh standard:wili be mAintain- ed, Mrs. Cowen state d. The Auditions Committee will con- sist of men and women of absolute impartlality, and with an accurage and thôrough knowledge of music. Their only interest will -b. to give singoers of unusual abftfty an oppor- tunity. No teachers wül serve on the committee. "The reason for this limitation," said Mrs. Cowen today, '15 not thatIthe auditions committee does not have confidence in the judg- ment of teachers, but I feel that no teacher would care to have his pupils judged by a tea cher fromn another studio." Must Appiy Prornptly Singers who wlsh to be auditioned by the commxittee are mnvited. to make -application by letter, immedi- ately, for ant appointment with Mrs. William Cowen, care of the. Chicago City Opera company, 20 North. Wack- et' drive, Chicago. Ail applications must be in her handi by September 23. After the final hearing, not only singers for opera will be chosen, but many eligible for other fields cf music - musical comedy, movies, concert work, etc., wlll receive rec- onunendations b y t he Auditions Committee, Mrs. Cowen declared. auIowa *Look at Ois m*al vahiol No naed to lot batt.ry trouble *PilTur vacaion Noý to .çonwam* by gottlng any- thlsg legsuthqu a gesuine Goodyear BE«U.iy u*wI * Get the, real low-down on your battery> condition hum ne. W.1l tell y@u il iramiau hale and, hec.q. whother a litts attention nov ndE qadd muths new' I@w-cost Goodyear N«ttery zight nowl Thissrvice la ABSOLUTELT FU-NO OBM- GATION NOW OR LATlI PLAY SUFE-ACT TOIAY