Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Aug 1939, p. 16

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Çcbdtz~iect<iq ILLC EST FORS GIRLS GENFIELOS PREPAUrAORY H L C E T Ages C t.14 SCHOOLIFOR BOYS Over quarter century sucoessful expert- setAtimoma. ece with Juniorgirls. Accredited prep. Dadigui Country Day Sohool. aration for HBigh-School or Acadeiny. Ae through 10. Au establlshed' Charming. home ite 'free. front cl is- ranch school wvhich succesfully.pre tractions. Music.. Dancing. Drmte. pres boys for eastern pre a r French. prs. Convenient to Cicago. achools. Catalogue. Addreuu Director, Caao.S=R M. DAVISON, Box 4-A P..Bo14. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. Féor Yeung * .JtUIen w W Red INDIVIDtiAL collage preparation. ACCREDITED 2 yr. Coliege ,dipiom-u Teache Hovr-to.Study. Fuliy acediited transfers to N. W, Uof I., etc. Abci vithiout ex&minationh. Abc m0 gje 4 yr H.S. Musidi Dramatics., lut. Dec., Cours..ý Ages 10 te 20. Miodified mii. Comtme Design, Art, Secretaral, Writ- tary training for CHARACTER an d Physique. ing. Swam. Riding. Canoeing. ttractive NewfyCh ieu R oute 4. îitowrd ite s suLsoiale. art f May4lqmneslub. Ac-tio ofehicgo.nsRute 45o. ieiowied.8 ml oti ilie Part o S Sahore AqneCu . tMo #...' col J. B. Bthpngr, Supt., F. S. MagUl, LL. D., Box E, w*ee# oE , %Oarp, D . j Chambersburg, Pa. INVESTICAWm MET1tOPOLITAN ADVANTAGES Fail Term 0 *p Supérior curse-eu.m....nri .emb.r 5 ced intruc- -reasonable Md evenings. xift EWERY PIJRPOSE ingl egItratons fleing Matde Now Mee wil Marjorie Leary About A These Schools BE A PRIVATE SECRETARY Our Secretarial Course provides the stu- dent with specific training to fil a really high grade situation. We have had more caolk for jmir. «fraualtes dgirinir the last 6 *andi yours is the choice. There are rivers, too, the St. Croix, the Yellow, .the Totogatic, the Nameékagon, the Clamp, and innumerable forks. and -cre .eks.. They're api full of fish. Ail, however, is not fishing. m this region.. Golf, tennis, river-trips', hik- ing,. riding canoeing, camnpingj, sal- ing,, motoring over*, good roads, swimming, and night-life rounid out, the perfect vacation. One of Spooner's mrany attractions zis the state fishieries ýheadquarte rs,, in c-onnecetion with the state ranger and forestry service 'for 'the area. The fisheries headqluarters, covering S75 acres and with the largest pike hatchery in the, world, bas 16 build- ings and 32 rearing ponds. Visitors *are alWays welcomned. g:And. because, Spooner waters are always well stocked, whether you Ifish wî1h f2Jy or bait, and- on ~Iakeý river, or, creek, there are always muskies, wail-eyes, great northern pike, bass, panfish, and stream trout. An illustrated folder and map showing ail lakes and, rivers rnay be had by addressing S. A. Wallace, secretary, Chamber of Commerce, Spooner, Wis. Information on the *entire Indian Hfead region compris- ing thirteen northwestern Wisconisin countries may be hati from Lloyd E. White, executive secretary, Indian Head'Country, Eau Claire, Wis. Prepares to Enroli At Illinois Wesleyan Miss, Winifred Hoffman of- 1638 Washington avenue; recently com- pleted enro1lmèeit at Illinois Wesley- an university in the College of Liber- ai Arts, and is looking forward to the, beginning of the next schooi year. Miss Hoffman plans to study in the filelti of music and has chosen Illinois Weslevan as her school because of By Marjorie MeLean Leary 1 School Ccmaltant The sehools inr the Middle Wést are varied and adequate for all seholas- tic, needs. Many of themn have fine traditions, exkcel- Se nit equipmneiit and beautiful sur- roundings. There- are, however, a great many rea- sons besides the proverbial«"fa r hille lokgreen- er" for interest - *in schools outside< of the immediate home district. While interest in the. schools sit- uated in the East(Bre is primarily. be -Marjorie Leary cause of their prestige and traditional im~portance, the variations and specialization of make them unique. Practically al sectionsof the East abound in good schools. The mild climates of the South and South West and the fact that there are many good schools located in- beautiful settings and that practic- ally the entire school year can be spent in living out-of-doors, gains for these pleasantly located schools new adherents every year. The Florida and California wintering parents are of course intereste in the schools, of which there are many good ones, located in these stateés. The high, dry or warm climates of the South and South West draw many pupils afflicted with chronic nose and throat troubles. The schools in these locations are for the most part new and beautifully - equipped, the staff is excellent and the groups cornparatively small. IN CAVALRY UNIT James Frederic Mayer of 354 Eider lane, Winnetka, who, with bhis younger brother, Richard Uugh, is attenduinifCr 'mn nd,îi~n , nt1Mndi STUT ILLUIOIS I 1 pacacue trip througn the Intelrna- iai Fals region for a month. tre ava rother iout the r serv- ýut cost tion. . 1

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