> U;very day at ________________________Wrld's Pair 1 survey an army -of h ousewlves - Morrar ane dis Pto ef)c Tolof Photo h a v e traveled Mzé MryJan Edzgto (ef) nd Philip 1Hoelz, are two mem- hundreds and bers. of the decorations commzittee forý the Theta Upsilon Rho annual even' thousafds danceto be.given at the Keniltoorth club-Saturday evening, August 26. 1of miles to get atvay'from thieir The ainlhem ofthe alloomk:tchens and 1 Wei orchstraCook atoves. he m inbcthme of the-allrSohm Wi rhsr, or by calling Marcia The miracles of the World of To. desgn illbe hatof n od Suth Sith,'1728 Highland avenue, it is morrow hoid their attentIon oniy ern plantati .r, bail, with the orches.. nncunçe hy har hewh ofnI tra seated ar the poreh of the man ette is general chairman 0f th i deonrte new leas hi cs lera sinan teuesdananein on teherm iy rostrum n luthe Court of iawn. Vince Weis and his orchestra dnc. oimes uta ntn hyfre -ilPa nensigmsci their tired, throbbing «*WorId's Fair" îll lymrd sigmsic in ang PLAN EASTERN TRIp feet. They don mental aprons and clas ic ett n~.Mr. and rs. W. . M rga of forget. all else as they picture the ma- Compte i Saes M. ad Mr. W.G. orga ofeves in a Ciaiderella kitchen pree Robrtmate nd S.ale 92ejý5 Forest avenue, Wilmette, are paring a feast for the loved ones obarert Maxwe ad M r. Ho eiz are îeavîng next week for a vacation hack, home. co-haiyne o th deortios c -trip to the East. 'They will go first Truliv there lu magie and romance 1mittee. Other members include Flor- lnaaawhr hywilse h this thing called cookey. ence Richards, Miss Eddi.ngton, Mil Dinne qintuplets. Then they will dred Farmer, and Albert Acker- go to West Ruthland, Vt., Mr. Mor- mann. Members of Theta Upsilon gan',s "home town.' They expect Rho have been divided into, two to go to the fair in New York, and f Food Cor.imtant teanis, the t-car selling the greatest then g oon to Washington, D., C., WilwoeiCo. number of tickets to bec. treated to a and Atlantic, City. They will also P. S.ý-1wi IcI guesma in th party by the other teani. A prize is visit friends in Buffalo, N. Y. The Coud of*1Plnè . rhor WoeWs a fa. also offered for the individual lflOfl Morgans wil hé home in the latter ribhpvomdyfg m.G. R. ber selling the most tickets, part of September. Chaperones and guests of honor of neRfmnTEBL the evening will include the Rev. Mr.HfE71Fr-E and Mrs. Erskine Jeffords, the Rev. est avenue left last week, accomn- 0F THE 10% ' and Mrs. CL-,,ndler Sterling, Village panying her niece and nephew, the rtwoldb Preidet, nd rs.Hary C KineWilliam Fitzgeralds of Chicago, on a jree cruelty)1 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keeler, and the thy eks oo Rev. and,. Mrs. J1ohn G,. indle tp hrug for me ta ton Lviemers i meriigh Scnool E~p worth league of the Methodilst hurch are in çharge of refreshments or the evening. I Ac -Y-4 t *Ul tL<*AA, LIAC plan to drive to St. Louis. -0-. Mr. and Mrs. Cari A. Lindstrom an thei dna," - T~-I- VOn hflei .. ns.> ltwere to tel]jthe av h p *Ifè a f~brand ùw, reiri tit5niry uxethod 01 cake-making the. chances are mIe would tell me she vas doni verY well with ber old nmethod. tlu,-& you. So 1 vill addreas this reaipe onI te those women who are inter.e in learnin* something really new, aud in trYing it out on their owo pianos. SNO SHRMNAGE IN MEt OViN NO wasted pounda- WIlmén'a Ton- drv Made Item 18 RO&dy t. met" There are juit tour step equir'ed to tossing this cake together and each las a step forvard, ln the direction of saving time and energy. 34 cup Wilson'. Certltled Pure lard 1.4 cupeaji-purpose flour Mosf with sait and a few grains of t,»eg. Add egg yoljc s»Êhtly aten. $trai, and Pouir over the . I eken. Top wlth brolled muuh.. )m caps.I J ] I c