Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1939, p. 46

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of Thee ar e ThIu WAU UDUMe ast sermon £A*y ine mnifister before hîs vacation. The musical programn arranged1 for the rnornlng worship serv ce by Miss Erma Rounds, director wilfl be as folloWs* organ prelude. .'Romaânza," Wosten- holme-; solos, -1 Sought the Lord." .$te- vensofi, anid,"HoW Long Wlt Thou For- get'Me" Wooler, Edward 011,solit organ postlùde, "Coronation 'March," Krietschmer. The Sunday sehool will meet, in, two divisions, Sunday at 10 o'clock. The les- son in the Senior division will be on the theme,: 'What l[s>God .Like" The minister will teach this division. The pastor andMrs. Venekiasen wlfl beave on their vacation Wednesday tô be away until September 14. Church servie« WJll continue. Durlng the absence of the minister, the following guest preachers will supply lard C ud, G.'aso fterrt_ Central Presbyterian church of Wilming- ton, Del.; August 27-the Rev. Henry Little, pastor o the Presbyterian church of Frostburg, Ind.; September 3- the Rev. Harold Francis Branch, D.D., of the Flrst Presbyterian church of Tus- caloosa, Mla.; Septernber 10 - the Rev. Robert Lee Sawyier, D.D., president of the Presbyterlan Coflege of Christian Ed- ucation, Chicago. TPhe Seior lDiiionnof the SRindav in August. Dr. jielma ,.Was aour ad ini- terlm minister of last fa» ýand hlm many frlends will be, happy to greet hlm. He lu former pastor ýof First. Methiodrst church ln Los Angeles, Calif., a noted church administrator, a popular preach- er -and writer. Mrs. F. Dewey Anderson,, soprano, *!Il be the soloist on August 20, and C. RoUmi Smith, baritone, will sing August 27. The Rock River Conference Summer Retreat wil be held at College Camp, Lake: Geneva. Wis., September 1, 2, and 3. The Retreat opens on the Frlday nlght at .6 o'clock and closes, after the 2 o'clock session Sunïday, the 3rd. Hor- ace A. Young or Mrs. C., Rollin Smith wlll be glad to take care of your reser- vation, but. you are urged to nmake it immedlatelyIn order to have. the kiàd Of accommodationsyot' wish. St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues J. H. Gockel, pastor 9:15 a.m.-No services at this hour next Sundày. 9:30 a.m.-Sunday school. il1:00 a.m.-Service conducted by Can- didate Raymond Fechner. The order of service ai il oýcock wlll include the followlng: Prelude-Prelude and Fugue in C Major ................... Bach Offertory-Elegie ............ Borowski The Sermon...... Candidate Raymond Fechner Postlude-March ............ Prokofief Moment Musical ............ Schubert Hymn-'Savlor, Again Thy Dear Name We Pralse" Tales From the Vlenna Woods. .Strauss' Nrotlk.......................... QriÇg Antr's Dance ...... ........... Grieig Marche Militaire............Schubert Hymin-'Soitly Now the Light. of Day" This lu another of the concerts spon- sored, by members of the church. The public lu cordIally lnvited to listen. either from the rector's'gàrden, or fromi their. cars parked'near the church., Evantgelical Lutheran Seveâth street at Greenileaf avenue 'A HOUSE 0F WORSHIP" The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor SUNDAY SERVICES Early service .............. 8:30 Church 'school...........93 a.m. a.m.1 Dr. H. W. Ruopp ~Cometeto Central Church, Chicago North Shore residents are interest- ed in the change of ministers at Central church of Chicago whi ch brings Dr. H a r o 1 d Washington Ruopp, of Boston, Mass., to the pul- pit of the famous church, the serv- ices of which are héld every Sun- day morning, except during the sum- Organ Prelude: "Andante Cantabile" 4th Symphony .......... Widor solo: The Twenty-thlrd Psalm ... Malotte Margaret Johnston Offertor3r - Melodie..Tschaikowsky Postlude-March Opus 22....... Greig Victoria McLeod- Minlstry of Music, Our church school convenes every Sun. day morning throughotit the *summer months at 9:30 o'clock. There are classes for ail. We invite you to corne and learn wlth, us in our Church school. Attend a service of worshlp next $un- day mornlng., Our two services are for your convenience. New members wvill be receîved into the church on September 24. Those, in. terested in unlting with. the. church are asked, to confer with theý paster. An hour spent in the House of the Lord next Sunday wil make your week more Joyoust BillSyring Receives Coveted Big Teu Award Bill Syring, star pticher on Nort h- western university's basebali team last spring, has been awarded the Big Ten, mosi. - valuable - player award for 1939 by vote of the conter- ence coaches. Syring who signed a contract with the New York Giants: at the' close of the school year, huried five of the seven games Northwestern won in the conference ra:ce Syring reached his Peak per- Dr. Harold, S. 'Condit, 614 Laurel ave- nue. Notices for the newspaper and for the pylpt ma be honed to the secretary. mrs. Wiliam R.Morrison, 2032 High IAnd avenue. Firat Congregational hgj Wilmette and Lake avenues li John G. Hndley, minister. H4. * flQw uevote Jh iiUFL5 rts toJission preaching and teachirig in semninar- J#ilmette Baptisi jes and educational institutions., Wlmette and Forest avenues Four Famous Clergymen Geore D.AllsonminiterCentral church, established in 1875 Sunday mornlng at 1l o'clock, our bas had four famous clergymen in d service lu held at Flrst Congre- its pulpit: Dr. David Swing, 1875- nal church. Dr. Allison continues 1894; Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis, 1895- ;eries of "Great Questions of Re- twlth the theme. "What Are We 1899; Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus, 1899-. For" An excellent attendance 1919; Dr. Frederick F. Shannon, 1919-- mitt ed but 26 bits and five earned runs. His hurllng was the principal factor in raising the Wildcats from lOth place in 1938 to a tie for fourth place this. year. GUES M rs. B.' ýrank, 0 ;Ts, iWKEIWOT SF. Kénnerly and her son, f Toronto,~ Canada, are ts at the home of Mrs. s sister, Mrs. Richard S. 157 Kenilworth avenue, MESMORLIAL BSmGING* TOWEEL CONCERT. Sunçlay, Auguist. 13, 4 to 5 P.M. graduated from the Bo st o n ersity School of Theology i. . He received the Jacob Sleeper cwship on which , he studied )ad during 19Z6-27, first at, the Dr. Ruopp is 40 years of age and already is accepted as among the country's great preachers. He be- gins bis pastorate ln Central- church Sunday, September 17. Anoer the pastoîr contact the ing AL. ,vice wblle asked tu m by cal-

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