Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1939, p. 44

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HiIHLAN#D PARK White Colonial, 4 bedrmns., 2 baths a dandy et ..... .......... $8 QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 584 Lincoln,,Ave. Winn. 177 133LTr4l4-tp A. $125à WINNETKA - 8 ROOMS, 2%~ bathis. Close to Greeley, School 'and New Trier. Delight-ful 'porches. $95 - 7 rooms, .2 bathis, den. $150 - GLENCOE. FINE LOCATION, 8 room brick. 3 bathis, sereened 'porch. McGUIRE & ORR, mne. 716 Vernon Ave., Glencoe. GI., 13 522 Green Bay Rd., Winnietka. Wmfli. 89i 133LTW14*tc six JRM. HOUSE. BUILT, 0FSTUJCCO on hoelow tile, easy and ecotiomiical to heat. 76 WARWICK ROAD « Near New Trier and ýKenîilworth Schls. As owners agent we can accept any reasonable offer to rent., CALL Kenilworth Realty Co. 410 GR~EEN BAY RD. KENIT.. 5600 133LTN14-tpi GOOD HOUSES Wmette, 4 bedrins,, 2 ba*ths_ où- $85L Wilmette, '5 bedrms.* 3 bathis, 1 of the nicest brick homes on the N. S. $I65. NORTH SHORE REALTY 523 Winnetka ave, Winn. 81 133LTN14.tc WINNETKA No Sales Clause 7 rms., 2112 baths. 2 porches, automatie 1heat. Within 4 blocks of lake,. 2 schools andi station. $125 per mo. Winn. 89., _____________133LTN14-tc 7 RM. BRK. ENGLISH COL.,. 21,- bs. J WJLMETTE 6 ROOM 'HOUSE, $65. NEAR SCHLS. Rd trans. Hot water heat. with new RdJacket boiler. Cail Wilmette* 1650, 133LTN14-ltp 5 Room, buse to Sublet. 677Wîlow Road,,.Winnetka __________________133LTN14-ltp SIX RM. BRICK HOUSE. 3 BEDRMS.. 1%/ baths. Hot water oU ,ht. 2 car gar. Near schls., trans. and churches. Avail. Oct. 1. Also for sale. Owner. wil. 3958 NINE ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON Maple Hill road,* Glencoe. 011 heat, yard, 220xl00 ft. Close to ýschools and transportation. 2 car galrage. $125 month. Cail Glencoe 1585. 133LT14-Itp 134 FOR RENT-FURNISHýED HOUSES_ Choice North Sh. Rentais WINNETKA-mod. brk. 4 bedrnms.. 2 baths, oil, $100. Charfti. icôlo., beau. y3d., 7 r s. 2 baths. $125. GLENCOE-Eng. brk. 7 rmns.. rec. rm., 3 baths, att. gar. $155. Brk. il acre, blk. from lake, 10 rms., 41/2 baths. $200. HIGHLAND PARK-Colo. Ige. yd. 7 rms. 2 baths, blic-. to, sch. $85. Country Eng., Iibr., 4,bedrms., 21"2 baths 'a- link. sec. 10 4V2 baths, ib, HOKi _______________________________- r, trans~I1porta onU. tPhone W1i. 1959. EAST KENILWORTU 3LN1-t A perfect location in a charming liv- 136 ANE O ~THOSn ableolder home at 415 Cmnor road5 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE WANTED IN o0 f No tracks or thru streets for children to Whet rNrhSoeo lno.t cross for achools and wlthin 1 blk. ofWRent teor N$rth or40. Glenane.t: r trans. 5 bed., 1 b., lrg. scr, porch, 2 gar. ReW ould ler house $«.th odenarond. on' Ah or$10!Wllette 2954. 136LTN14ltp wt 509 JACKSON-GLENCQE - - 101 Delightful Eng. home. nr. Skokie Coun- WANTED TO RENT VROM OWNER $2: try" club; unusually attractive studio on N.S. Modemn 4 bedrm., 2 bath. Ou1 liv. rm., 4 Irg. bed.. 3 bs., dresig run. heat. Garage. 2 yr. lease flot exceeding Q~ or dlen off master bed. Seé this for. $150 $110- per mo. Write B' 247, Box 60, 'Wil- 58à s. trains, sorean~fIZ ~at sno. àHUA 1Ii., auJ rm., 1 bath. HW heat, 2 car gar. The price of $9,000 and the ternis of pur- cbase are sure to be of interest. WEST WILMETTE A brand new colonial brick, stone front, Znd floor Clapboard, 3 bdrîns, 11j baths, rec. rm., attac. gar. The lot has been well landscaped, the house well lanned. Price $350 EAST WINNETKA A nýGeorgian brick, colonial located imong --many other 'fine ho-mes., The girounds. are well, landscaped. 4 bedrms., t3 b.aths, uPstairs sitting rn., HW oul heat, attach. gar. At $25.000> this is an outstanding buy for this section. EAST GLENCOE A red brick colonial of. the ýunuusal appeal.. A' large irregularly shaped lot, many shade trees, well landscaped. '5 bedrs.,31/ bahs.2 car attach. gar. 011, lt. For, a family that needs this si ,ze home. they will find that this prop- erty has much to offer, at. $33.000.. See these and many others in your, >price and size 'requiremfents in our PHOTO TOUR 0F HOMES.> R. B. WHITAKER 140 Green Bay Rd., Winnetka Winin. 3250 Rogers Park 7302 147LTN14-ltc 124 16TH ST.. WIL. PRETTY DUTCH col. frame. 3 bedrms., attrac. bath and kitchen. In fine condition, $8500. 510 ASE ST., WINN. ON LGE. 75 FT.' lot near lake. Good frame to re-. model, $12,500. 475 ELDER LANE, WINN. NEAR LAKE, 4 bedrms., 2 baths, 57 ft. lot, $13,500. 286 RIDGE AVE., WINN. LARGE 100 ft. lot. 5 bedrms., 3 baths. Near new Catholie schl., $18,500. 1063 MEADOW LANE, GLEN. EXCEP- tionally attrac. home. 4 bedrms,, 2 baths. Ravine in rear.' House in perfect pcnriin $2.500. EAST KENILWORTH R A FAMILY WITB GROWING hildren nothing cou'ld be more truly isfactory than to live withln '3 blocks- grade and high schools, beach and ins in one of the finest neighborhoods the North Shore. 5. bedrms.. 3 baths, ng, dining and sun rooms particularly I arranged for entertainng. Beautiful ft. corner lot. Owner sacnificing for ,000 if sold this nionth. JINLAN & TYSON, Ine., Lincoln Ave. _Win. 177 SMART & 5G..*LEE Ine ll. 1564 Sherman Ave.. Wlmette 2486 147LTN14-Itc White D utch. Colonial ON 75 FOOTr WOODED) CORNER, ' lot - 6 wellarranged rooms, tule b a t h, heated sleeping porch, screened. first floor porch, attach' ed garage. Can be bought for $9,500 With payments of $65 per monthi on. F.H.A. mortgage. CALL MR. BOYER SHORE-TOWNS REALTY CORPORATION 1603 Chicago Avenue. E.;afiston Gre, 2700 R !og.ý Pk. 6636 Wil. 603 147LTN14-ltc PARENTS THIS NEW WEST WINNETKA 6-ROOM, home open for inspectiont, furnished and eomplete with built-in ocmnfort and re- fnement: air conditioned heat: tule bath; powder room:; large lot: near best trans- portation and §Chool. Will meet ail de- mand for luxury living at lowest cost. Simall down payment and $65 monthly F.W.. Near golf., tennis and4 ot.er rec- reation. CHARLES SUTHERLAND & CO.. 39 South LaSalle St., Chicago Winnetka 3990 Dearborn 3n70 147LTN14ltp JUSI OFFERED $8,500 WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN buy this attractive & livable home at such a 10w price. Conven. for sehis.. and transp. 3 bedrms., mnoderm bath, HW ht., 2-car gar., beau. wded. lot. Taxes only $60.00. Ask Mrs. Mead about this property.. THE BILLS REALTY, mnc. 510, Davis St. Wil. 3,40 FACING THE LAKE A SPANISH HOUSE OF BEArJTY7-1, with a most practical interior, in Win- netka. Four bedrooms, vapor heat., Beatufiful grounds -. Offered for less than $2Q,000. CALL MR. STACEY- SHOR E-TOWNS REALTY CORPORATION 1603 Chicago Avenue, Evanst'or Gre. 2700> Rog. Pk. 6636 Wil. 608 HIIGHLAND PARK New, modern Early Amnerican home OCTr LARGE 5 RM.i 2 baths, sun p heat, 2 car gar Urnme. Winnetka l3&LTN14-~tp I [REALTY ~anyers KI~LWOJfTH. PH-ONE îem..roson fnrst, 3 b edroorns- and s ths, heated 2016. 147LT1q4-4ltc sleeping porch on second. Hot water gas ruge, large heat, '2 car garage. Worth investigating. ard Woods KENILWORTHBEUNGALÔW M eGUIRE & ORR, Ineç h terms to Brick 6 rooms, lovely yard, screened porch. Low taxes and low upkeep. 530 'Davis St., Evanston. Wlmette 228 WINN. 11ý5 Winnetka. 26à., 147LTN14-'ltpý 147LÉN14-ltc

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