Ackermann Photo Beautiful Yioung wornen alwalis enjo?, having temir îtures taken, -as the expressions on the faces of this trio demonstrate. And it's ntce tvork for a photo grapher, too. Miss Lois Mitchell, Miss Wzima Knoop,' and Miss Marion Goode are the yoUng women. The place. W lmette. beach. Christian Science, Churches "Spirit" was the subject of the lesson-'sermnon in ail Churches of Christ, Scîentist, on :Sunday,. Au- gust 6 The golden text was, "Wvhat man knoweth the things of a man, save tuie spirt f m61nan wlTichTis inhi hm even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God" .( Cor. 2: 11). Arnong the citations which corn- prised the lesson-sermon was the following from the Bible: "Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is 'good; lead me into the land of uprightness- ,(Psalms 143: 10). Tlhe lesson-serrnon also included Hits Ligqht Pole; :Saysç That She FeU Asleep At 3: 10 a.m.. Friday, Miss. Virginhi a Dingmnan, 13171/2 Oak-street, Evans- ton, driving east on Lake avenue, ran off the road .on the north side and struck an electrie light pole, splitting it haif way to the top. She suCé~red sevral èuls on thé, face. She refused to go to a hospital, and asked to be taken to the home .of a friend in Glenview, which wvas donc by a Glenlview police squad. Later she was taken by the squad to. Evanston hospita1,~ Where she ex- plained - that she had fallen asleep while driving. A CORRECTION GEORG RECTOR The oÔld query asý tu what woînen du with the time uaved wth urnt-saving devictes 18 SO old il positive1v drips with Santa Claus whskers î t's a wist woman who buv's het cantied meats. fruits and vegetah1es n d (t e?? goe outtô meet life halfway-or better. Foi.d Consultant' Wilson & Co P. S.-I wli b. IectuTS'*R ail çumptiei en th Court eiJ Fiume , Neu' Yovik WoId's Faiw. lVil be happy Io ha.'. vou vissÙ me G. R. a paàtry rose and a (ewý leaves. brush with melted Clear flrx>k butter.:Balte in a bot oven (500 F.> forý 10 minutes ther, at 3500 F for 40,minutes more.: 1When, cool enough, set in refriqer- ator to chili. Serve whoie. garnished vvith spiced beets or squares of toniato <t Althou nor. bi of unui et Oriental. sweet, you tbis is a dish [g flavor. Spirit, Soul, can evolve Life,. for Spirit is more than ail else" (p. 33 5).. HOME FROM MICHIGAN Mr. and Mrs. Max, C. Greigg re- turned Saturday from a week's stay at Glen lake, Mich., returning by way of Newaygo, Mich., where they pickèd Up their two daughters, Eliz- abeth and Barbara, who had spent the past two weeks at Camp Neway- that t he weclcing tooJk place in the. Congregational church, at Berkeley, Calif., on July 22, and that the bride and bridegroom would live ini that city. The marriage took place in the First Congregational church of, Oakland, Calif., where Mr. andi Mrs. Pinckert will make their home. À,, i1 I h ryouuare wont t j'think o! ham and - eggs as co-starring only i a skillet, -Yhu w-ill have to 'r this next recipe the, frying pan goes put of the winduw and the principals corne together in abread un Iti. a cold naa pie rntended for luncheons or buffet suppers-an ex- cellent wa to use the shank end o a Wilson 9Certled Smoked Ham. Here's bow: i4 b. Wilson'a Assorted Ready-to- Serve Meats 1 Clear Brook e 4 tablespoons C<Tar Brook butte 1 onion. sliced thin %4 cup celery. sliced thin .1 cup diced cucumber I cup water ~yo&* r tnr ee weekcs. WEMOI