a home run. Stolp. broke mito t.he ,coring column in the second when- 'F. Fisher singied and was brought borne on a hit by his brother V Fisher. Stolp went. into the lead in e thfrd when Lee opened the'in- ning' with a single. Cutter folowed' *with ànother base hit and. Mayer, 'Swift and Hefferman followed with doubles that drove .in -four. runs. There was no further, scoring andý * Stolp won 5-2. The Stoip Seniors scored two runs in the second inning on three errors and a hit, but Vattman, came. right back with. one run in the second on a lhome run by GeneHasselberg and three more inx fourth on bits by Saun- ders, Trego, Sauer and Hasselberg to take the lead 4-2. Stolp batted ail the way around in the f ifth to score 7 ruma and were neyer i trou- Champs Take Beating * Coach Fred Henning and bis Stolp. Junior champions invaded the Vil- lage Green to seek its final victory of this playground season which would give them a elean slate. The ýrillage Green gang played a bril- liant brand of bail and easily de- reated the champions 29-11. Thir- iteen Village Green boys saw action My, the special days were every us out anid calied for us Saturday day, -They began with a circu4 on morning. Jt was.a real picnic. We Tuesday afternoon. The program. In- arrived about six o'eiock and comn- tended.for Friday, Joseph Lee Day, mittees were formed, for the. few was held Tuesday., There wa s'1 the chores. to be d one. ,Tben the beds Fortune Teller, The Fanxily of Files, were ail made up and belongings the Weight. Guesser, -thé Fish Pond arraflged.ready for.the evening. -The and The Little Theatre. They ail did firè builders,, wood ..gatherers went a tbriving bsnesalter the ticket to work and soon, a grand, fire was, bootb was- opened. Mr. E.ckland was merrily burning and bot dogs were respousible for, the Fortune Teller, soonsziugadte marshmallows Mr. Luck for. the Fish Pond, Mr. were soon toasting and littie tum- Andresen and Martha Leach for'the mies were soon filled. After the tickets,. Mr, Speredes and Mr. Gatb- eats the three squad leaders divided, ercoal for weight, guessin g. Mrs. ail the children into three groups Kamerman and Betty Anderson for and each group Worked out a stunt. the Ice Cream and Pop, aud Mrs. A box of costumes bad beenar- Fanckboner and Mrs. Kamerman iranged and eacb squad could select for the play. tbe most fittiug costume. After the It was a lot of fun for everyone squads bad performed. there was and when Director Davis came folk dancing, done to the violin mu-~ à-longthé Ioined lnt»he funr, e'vern 4e of D~iieê Faekb.iier. M-ris. staying for the sbow,- whlch was Kamermnan arrived with ber daugh- dramatization of playgrotaud activi- ter and anotber special guest just iu ties. It was workçed out at theplay- time to be interested"spectator-s to ground by tbe cbildreu and was cli- tbe eveniug fun. maxed by a group doiug a Swedisb Enjoy Campflre Sbxg Folk dance. It was a gala day. Sougs were sung and Dixies vio- Big Track Meet lin came ini bandy for accompaux- Wednesday was the track meet. meut. She also played a solo called and believe it or not. the weatber "Trees" whicb was very lovely for man made the weather right to or- the gatberiug arouud the fire and out der. The littie shower we had pre- under the stars. After tapa every- ADULT, SOFTBALL LEAGUE The Casa Loma team suffered its, first defeat of tbe season a *t .the bands of -the Ed. Richard'.s, Carpet team. The, Carpeters. were off to a comfortable lead in the early:inniugs and scored five in the first baîf, of the seveuth which. really sewed tb.ings up,. Harold Lindberg,. Casa Lomna outfielder, :got ýa big hand from,,tbe crowd wheu be racéed far. back to mnake a remarkable one banded' catch of a bail ordinarily labeled for a homer. The Joe Lynamr Sinclairs and the Yanks played a fine gamne before a large crowd on August. 2. At the end of eight innings of play the gamne was called because of darkness and both teame bad to be satisfied with the 12-13 tie. lTom taiiiéyç füuÉ spot bitter for the Yanks had three for four, tWo of whicb went for the cir- cuit keeping his team in the bal game. Bill Pre Vallut, second base- man of the Lynams, also bad a good day at bat with two doubles and a triple in four trips to the plate. Other scores of the week were. Yanks 21, Paudas il; *K. of C. 13. Aces il; Crosse and Blackwell 24. Hammond Ice Cream 14:;}lornets Green team bad two big iunings in the first and thxe tbird and scored 8 and 9 runs , respectively. The Stoip'a 12 bits were scattered and the Vllagers garuered 25 bits. Stolp Juniors won a close game trom the Vattman Juniors 11-10. The team standing August 5 is as fol- Iows: SENIOUS -, W 1F. 4t respouding and workçiug 50s enthusi- aatlcafly. Thursday was the long looked-for1 trip to the Cubs bail game, and was it a bail game! The Cubs miust bave kuown we were coming for that fifth Jnning raiiy of theirs in which two home runs went over the fence was a real treat. Tbe instructors1 were unanimous in saying the Wii- fast we cleaued the cabin and then played games until the car s cameý to take us home. It will be a neyer to be forgotten memory for the girls. who went. .Tbey were Betty Arns, Georgia Arns, Virginia Spitzer, Louise .Scho-* peu, Marion Place, Jean Thorsen, Dorotby Post, ýJean Brunkel, Adair Fanckboner, Dixie Lee Fanckbonerý Martba Leach, Susan Slown, Joan Lyanms Sinclair.......... 8 Casa Loma......... River Inn .. .. . Pandas.............6 Ed. Richards Carpets ...... 6 Yanks .................... 3 Hornets..........* -.......e5 Crosse & Blackwell........ 4 K. of C...................... 4 Aces ........' .. *,... . Wilmette. Tailors ........... 2 Hammond Ice Cream Co. -l . Village Chevrolet ........... I C.0. ofF. ...............O scored 9 runs in thxe went on to defeat tb 10. jacoox Dea~ r~e & -ex. di ta g and r.s lai ý Pete io