NatisndUmif. Inuamce C.npauy I29 S. toS&lle Steet Randolph 2561 HOffMIE LOANS and SAV INOS See Us if You Want to Build, Bay. or Refinance Your Home Rep ayMient Lke. Reni W Ah. hHave Attraetive SAVINGS PLANS with EAFMINGS Winnetka Building S& Loan 7518 UhnSt. Associationý Wiln.161 M ORTGAGE Staff Photo From the other ide of tis embankynent 'recertÙ buit n the western edge of Longmeadow farm, the heavy traffic on Sicoki e boule- vard is entirelyj invisible and no sound of the speeding strearnof cars is heaird. Tennis courts of the Longrneadow Saddle and Racquet club a-re,'being lai outon the arm ustaft4e atwork,. Over 3000 truck loads of fil from the grade separation project in Win- netka were used n the construction of the embankment. At its highest point it is 17 feet above the parkway of Skokie boule- vard. On top is a 16-foot bridie path and roadway. The sides will be planted, and when finished the em- bankment will be a beautiful addi- visited the new residential park, with Florida leading the out-of-town parade. July Building in Township Is Ahcad 0f Month in 1938 Mecca for Visitors QU'ILAN*and YSON One of the show-spots of the North Sore the past two week-ends has MOliTGAGE CORPORATION been Connecticut Village, Irvin A. Oe N. La Salle Sreet, Chicago Blietz home building project in east Central 0227 Wilmette w1hieh has attracted hun- dreds of Chicagoans and out-of-town- ers to what has been something of 1571 Sherman Avenue, Evanston a world's fair. of modern home-con- Universty 26W010 struction. A check of automobile li- iJune, vaIuauion of.LBthe3 u13 11- provements réa ched $259,225, orç $28,875 more than in the preced- ing month. A comparison of figures for the month just closed with July of last year is even more encouraging. Whlle there were 38 herrnits issued in July, 1938, the total value of the improvements amounted to only $162,970. The, July increase this year Glencoe witn the issuance of per- mits for two new residences and a remodelling job costing a total of $44.275. One of the residences is being buiît for Hardy Newman, at '273 Green Bay road,- at a cost of $18,-ý 475. It is two stories, of brick veneer construction and bas an attach- ed two-car garage. Lichtrnan and Bach, Imc. ' of Chicago are the archi- teets, and W. C. Tackett, Inc., the Toeph@me wlimet.Ik twill. comprise six rooms and an Permits for residence alterations tached garage. The estimated cost were issued to H. Ruskin, 422 For.- $9,000. est avenue, $1,600, and to C.E. A two-story residence of six roomes Schaeffer, 8» Sixteenth street, $600. service ixig $31,000 were authorized in per- mits issued in Winnetka durlng the Iast week of July. Two were for new residences, one for a residence re- modellng job and the other for sim- ilar work in. the commercial area. One of the new. residences, de- signed by Architect S. S. Beman is being built by. Nelson, Brothers for Mr., and Mrs. 'J. D-.Ploka t 111 A.ppletree road., It is two stories of brick veneer construction a, n d comprises,:eight réoors. The. esti- mated ýcost of the improvement is $19,000., The other house, costing $8,000 is being buit by Allied builders, at 69 Brier street, for John Lay. R,. F. Houlihan is the architect. The esti- mated cost is $8,000. Porch Addition Oscar W. Dauber took out a per- mit for a porch addition to the resi. dence at 366 Winnetka avenue. The estizwated tost is $1,5.00.. Alterations of the second floor of 9001/ Linden avenue to provide one three-room apartment and one four- room apartrnent were authorized in a permit issued to H. O. Baker. The estimated cost of the work is $2,500. July's Closing Days B ring, $44,275Spr