Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Aug 1939, p. 14

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Announcemenits for 'Holy Communion will be received at the parsonage on 'Ff- day from 31 to 8 p.m. The pastor %and his. family leave on thefr vacation Monday, retùrning on'Au- gust, 18. Should the services of. a pastor be required during that time, eau Pastor Mundinger at Glencoe.896, or Pastor An. dres at Davis 1250. On August 13, in the pastor's 'absence, the il o'clock service will be conducted by Candidate Raymond Fechner, a re- cent graduate pf Çoncordia TheplQgjvs1 Semlnary St.' Louis. There wlill be no service at 9:15. Firat Preabyterian Ninth str eet at Greenleaf avenue James T. Veneklasen, ninister The minister will preach at the morn- ing worship service at il &'clock, Sun- day, on the theme "The Returri cf the Divine Glory.- We cordially invite you to worship wlth us. Miss Erma Rounds, organist and qài- rector, wlll be baek at the ,organ~ Sun-. day. The mnusical program for the morri- ing worshlp service wifl l e: organ pre- lude, "-Allegro Vivace 'and Air" (Water Musc) .Handlel; solos, "In My Fathers House" McDermid, and' "In Thee, O Lord, Do I Put My Trust," Frey, Ed- ward Otis, soloist: organ postlude, "Al- legro Maestoso,- Handel. The Sunday schobl will meet in two divisions next Sunday at 10 o'ciock. In the Senior division, of those froin high àchool age, and up, the lesson uwlll be on' the question., "What Is Eternal Life'- We invite you to study.withus. St. Auguati*ne'a (Episcopal) Hubert Carleton', rector. Chandler, Sterling, curate., Sunday, August 6, will mark the Fesý- tival ofthe Transfiguration. There will. beHoly Communion at 8 a.m. and lioIy. Communion with sermon at il a.m. The Rev. Chandler Sterling %vill be h p3reacher. Friday. August '4. the members of the North East Womaln's Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Ma y N. Griffin, 1012 The Rev. Chandler Sterling and Mrs. Sterling have returned from their vaca- tion.. Evangelical Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf "A HOUISE OF WORSHIP' The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor SUNDAY SERVICES Early service............... 8:30 a.m. Church school............... 9:30 a. m. Second service................il1 a.m. The music for the services of 'worship nexit Sunclay rnornlng is as follows: Organ Prelude-The Bells 'of 1St. Anne de, Beaupre ........ Russell. Solo-Early Service- Speak. to mre, Father Frank Liorband Solo-Second Service-But the Lord is Mindful of His Own ... Mendelssohn Mrs. J. H. Hopp Off ertory--"Adagio" w froni Violin Concerto ......... Bruch Postlude- Marche Triomphale ......... Lemmeis] Victoria McLend-Ministry of- Music The guest: reachers anld soloists for the remainder of 'the month of. August will. be as follows: August 13. - Preacher: Dr.> Frank M. MeKîbben, head of the Department of Religlous Education'at Northwestern uni- verslty and wldely known religious cdu- cator. The.sololst will be Robert Fuessie, barito ne. 'August 20- Preacher: Dr. Elmer Ells- worth Helms. foi-mer. pastor of First Methodist church n Los Angeles, Calif.- noted church administrator - popular preacher. and writer - our ad interini minister of Iast faJI. Mri. F. Dewey An- derson, soprano0, will be the soloist. August 27 - Dr. Elmer' E. Helms ireaches again. The soloist wifr- be, C. Rollin Smith, baritone, The. Queen Esther- Standard. Bearers will meet Monday,. August 7. from 5 'to 71 VISIT TIIEIR COUSINS SalIy and Nicky Marshall, litile daugtrrand son :of Mr. and ~Mrs. Joseph B. Marshall, Jr., have re- turned to their home at 1045 Elin- wood avenue, atter spending two weeks as guests of their cousins, Henrietta and Rawson Lizars of Ev- anston, -at the Castie, Castle Park,ý Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ira Jones and their daughters, Harriette and Florice, 1538 Forest avenue, return- ed last week from a three-weeks' motor trip through the eastern states and Canada, visiting the New York fair, Washington, Mount Ver- non, and driving through the White mountains and part' of Kentucky. 0o- Mrs. Harris L. Wilson, 1514 Wi1- mette avenue, returned last week'l with her children, Diane and Jack, from' the Wilson summer home -in Paw Paw, Mich., where they had spent the past four,:weeks. :Dr. Wil- son s-,Pent,,weekends in Paw Pà,w. Smnall children may' be -loft i the Nursery during * the worshlp servic throughout the summnrer. Baptist Church Forest and Wilrnette avenues. George D. Allison. minister SBUNDAYv, AUGuST 6 Il a.rn,4 a Commuünhtv Worship service in the Congregational church. Dr Allison, who bas just returned from a vacation. in Minnesota and Wsconsin, will be the guest.preacher for - this, service and throughout the month, as Well as on Sep. tember 3. He, wilI be..in resident at his home. and available for pastoral services and conferences throughout the period. In Dr. Hindley's absence. Dr. Allison will be glad to minister in any way to the needs of both parishes or to the com-. munity at large. MOVE TO WILMETTE Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey S. Miller 'and th'ètr three children; Ardis, Sta- ley, and Chan, 'moved August 1, fromn Glencoe to the home which they have purchased at 1045 Forest avenue, Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Vincent of jDetroit recently returned to their home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs.' W. E. Everhamn of 1609 Lake avenue. Last week-end Mr. and MVrs. Everham entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lincoln of Minne- apolis.. The Misses :MiIdred' and Mary Ann Fitz Gibbons of St. Louis are houseguests this' week of their sis- ter, Mrs. Robert V. Cook, 2507 Ken- ilworth, avenue, Wlmette, havingý stopped i Wilmette on their. way east to visit the New York fair. Mr. and: Mrs. Jack McDonald, their daughters, Norma and Donnai.* and Mrs' ,McDonald's brother, Lee Arnold. ail of 1419 Central avenue, recently returned from Ontario. Canada, where they had ber visit- ing relatives and friends. id on the Sundays followlîlg, ihrough' (New World Symphony) ...... Dvorak Barbai- Bart.on, ichçiael Ahl rrber 3, the Rev. Gardiner Mac- Organ Postude: ' . der, Jý ck Sheppard, Jack Wa er wîil conduet, the services at -Alleluia-............... Bos Ann Northrup, and Jeane ,I a.m., the il o'clock service being ed on the sumnmer sehedule. The pastor andc his. familywifl be on heimner. Mrs .. B. Bradle,

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